❧ 26 ☙

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The next few days, Jihyun walked into the ceo office of the Jeon company as she placed her sunglasses on top of her head

" I can't believe taehyung treating me like this! " Jihyun says setting her shopping bags down

" I can " Jungkook replies already in there sitting down on the couch with a drink of whiskey as she jumps looking at him

" What are you doing here?! Security! " Jihyun says angrily

" This will only take a minute, you and I both know that I can take your husband very easily. I'm sure of it. "

" No you can't, he loves me and you were always his plaything in bed "

" Plaything, except he wanted to run away with me and get married "

" What do you want! Why are you here?! You're wasting my time! "

" You might want to watch your mouth, you do nothing for this company besides losing money. " Jungkook says getting up holding his drink as she scoffs

" You and I both know that your job and husband won't last long. What would your parents think when they see their daughter hooking up with a man every Saturday night at a hotel not far from her husband's workplace "

" Nice lie, you have absolutely no proof of that and I'd never cheat on Taehyung he shows me love so sorry that he never showed you "

" Cut your shit about Kim Taehyung, I don't care he could be cheating on you too and I wouldn't give a shit. Oh wait he did before your wedding day and engagement ceremony "

" He still married me! You're nothing to him! "

" I couldn't care a less, I just came to tell you something. You will never amount to nothing jihyun, I will ruin this company, your image, and I will take your husband that you love so much. Nothing will stop me anymore. I've dealt with your abuse long enough, you're done for. "

" Ha! You couldn't take any of those if you tried! You're worth nothing to this family and company! Now you should be begging me for forgiveness and maybe I'll let you be my assistant again "

" Thanks for the shitty offer, but no I will completely destroy everything you love. Your mother and father included. " Jungkook says drinking his whole glass cup of whiskey before setting it down " I have to go now I'm late for something "

Jihyun scoffs as he leaves then security heads over noticing who the younger was then they bow to him before jungkook left smirking

After a few hours, the younger was in his home accessing a board meeting with the main people from the Jeon company as he had a glass of whiskey with ice

" Let's get started, The Jeon estate and company have suffered enough at the hands of Jeon Jihyun along with her parents included "

" Mr. Jeon, isn't this a little heartless to plot something behind their back without their acknowledgment? "

" I'm sorry, my so called sister has had everything handed to her. While I've sat long enough in her shadow. I believe it's time she gets a taste of that same medicine " Jungkook says taking out a folder full of photos and places them in the middle of the desk " Is this really the woman you want to serve? "

The board took turns looking through the folder as they were shocked by the news and looked through the rest of the information before setting it down

" Mr. Jeon, you do know that if you do this, you will be resented by your own family "

" I'm aware, along with the fact that they aren't family to me. They're never once treated me like one. We've lost too much money and too many employees for this woman to still be in charge. "

The board members looked at each other. After a few minutes, they all signed a paper allowing jungkook to be the new person in charge

" Pleasure doing business with you all " Jungkook says smirking to himself " First order of business, cutting ties with the Kim Family "

The next day, jihyun was being held back by security as she was confused then jungkook looked though the office throwing away everything that was hers then looked at the picture she had on her desk seeing it was a picture of her and taehyung at their wedding

" You will get everything you deserve.. " Jungkook says throwing the picture away

The younger heard commotion outside the office as he smirked to himself moving his hair back

" What is the meaning of this?! My daughter is allowed into her office! " Mrs. Jeon says

" Mrs. Kim jihyun is no longer allowed to be here "

" And why the hell not?! I'm the new ceo! "

" Not anymore. " Jungkook says smirking as the security guards let him pass bowing to him

" Ugh, why are you here?! After that wedding stunt you pulled, you should be ashamed of yourself " Mrs Jeon says

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" Ugh, why are you here?! After that wedding stunt you pulled, you should be ashamed of yourself " Mrs Jeon says

" Says the horrible mother, you're trespassing on my property so if you'd be so kindly to leave before I have you escorted out by security "

" What?! This company isn't yours to take! "

" It is now! The board members have signed direct agreement to make me the head of the company and not the sorry excuse of a daughter "

" No you can't do this! I won't let you! " Jihyun says angrily

" It's already done. The board will have no association with you three anymore. My so called father included. "

" I forbid you to do this! I am your mother! " Mrs Jeon says

" You will never be a mother to me. You have abused me countless of times. This is over. Please escort them out the building "

" Yes sir " the security says as they get thrown out as jungkook smirks to himself crossing his arms

After that, taehyung was just barely getting home as he noticed jihyun and his mother in the living room

" I can't believe he would do this! To me! I knew he was a mistake child! "

" Honey! Come here! "

Taehyung rolls his eyes then heads over there with his hands in his pockets

" What? "

" I just got my company stolen! I work so hard for that company! " Jihyun says

" I don't think I care.. wait, by who? "

" That asshole of a bastard Jungkook! He took the Jeon company and is now in charge of it! "

Taehyung's eyes slightly lit up as he then covered his mouth in slight laughter before leaving quickly

" Taehyung! "

The older arrived at the Jeon company as he sighed softly then was let inside heading towards the office knocking

" Come in " Jungkook says looking at paperwork as the older runs inside breathing heavily then the younger looks over at him rolling his eyes

" Jungkook.. you're here.. "


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