❧ 25 ☙

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Taehyung was sitting in his office sighing softly to himself as he had hired people to find the younger but no luck he was staying hidden for the time being

The older had a wedding ring on his left ring finger as he tapped his fingers on his desk sighing softly then he gets a call from his men answering it

" Have you found anything? "

" nothing yet sir, his parents have zero contact with their son "

" I know that already.. god, he really disappeared off the face of the earth "

" we will keep looking sir "

" Thank you " Taehyung says hanging up as his mother walked in his office

" Why aren't you out spending time with your wife? She's out shopping without her husband "

" Because I have work to do, I'm not in the mood "

" ever since that incident at your wedding, you've been distant from me and jihyun, you should be lucky I let you stay in Seoul "

" Mother, don't you recall that I didn't want to get married? But I chose to because the sake of my company. "

" Honestly, you need to start acting more mature. Start with showing jihyun some love as your wife, when do you plan on having kids? "

" I don't want children with her. Now if you'll please excuse me, I have work to do and a meeting to head to " Taehyung says holding paperwork as he stands up

His mother rolls her eyes as she leaves then taehyung sighs softly heading to his meeting. After a few hours, the older headed out to his car out of work as he noticed a motorbike similar to the younger's

" Jungkook? " Taehyung says to himself as he watches someone else get on it and leave

The older's face saddened sighing then decides to smoke in the parking lot to ease his frustration then gets a call taking out his phone looking at the number confused noticing it said 'No caller ID'

Taehyung decides to answer it as he places it near his ear smoking his cigarette before blowing out the smoke from his parted lips

" Hello? "

" Heard you were looking for me. " Jungkook says over the phone

The older's eyes widened as he looked at his phone then places it back near his ear

" Jungkook? Is this really you? "

" Surprised to hear from me? "

" Very.. I've missed hearing your voice.. "

" Well too damn bad, I won't be on this call for long. I just called to tell you, to fuck off. I don't want nothing to do with you anymore nor your family. "

" Jungkook.. listen, I want us to speak privately about everything "

" No, I don't want to hear shit from you. Plus you're married already, to none other than Jeon Jihyun oh my bad it's Kim now isn't it? "

" Jungkook.. I love you.. please I just want to speak with you face to face. "

" You don't love me, Taehyung. If you loved me, you wouldn't have gotten married to the one person who caused so much hell in my life. "

" I had no choice! You know that as well as I do! "

" You always had a choice, if you loved me like you say you do. You wouldn't have gotten married, you'd cut your marriage off completely and have zero contact with jihyun. But no you chose to do the complete opposite, you and I will never cross paths with each other again. Do me a favor and stop searching for me. " Jungkook says hanging up

" Sir, we should proceed as planned or we could always delay the project "

The younger looks at his phone before putting it back in his pocket

" Proceed as planned, I'm finished with this conversation " Jungkook says looking out to the city of Seoul

" Jungkook-! " Taehyung replies looking at his phone as he sighs rubbing his forehead leaning back against his car " He really hates me, no surprise there "

The older steps on his cigarette before getting in his car leaving. Taehyung arrives home as he heads inside getting greeted by yeontan

The older picked up his dog as he smiles softly petting him then noticed jihyun wasn't around sighing in relief before giving yeontan food and water setting him down then goes to his study

Taehyung sets his paperwork in his study room before leaving then heads to the bedroom going to the bathroom turning on the shower

After the shower, The older dries his hair as he had a towel around his waist covering his lower half then heard a door open and close

" Honey! I'm home! " Jihyun says putting her sunglasses on top of her head then yeontan hides from her growling

Taehyung gets dressed before putting his old clothes in the laundry basket for later then heads downstairs

" Hey.. " Taehyung says as he walks passed her opening his fridge grabbing a can of alcohol before shutting it then opens it taking a few sips

" Honey, don't you wanna see what I got? "

" No, not really.. jihyun, I have a headache please just leave me be " Taehyung says sitting on his couch in the living room setting his can of alcohol down on the coffee table

Jihyun scoffs looking at him before throwing her bags on the ground

" I can't believe it, it's been a year and you're still thinking of him! "

" Jihyun, I'm not in the mood to argue with you "

" What does he have that I don't! "

" I sometimes remember that you two are related by blood, but you? You're nothing like him, absolutely nothing "

" Answer me! What is so good about him?! "

" Well first out of everything, he made me fucking happy. " Taehyung says grabbing his alcohol can drinking it before setting it down

Jihyun angrily slaps the older as yeontan barks at her growling then taehyung sighs chuckling

" You got angry over the truth, jungkook loves me the same you know that, don't you? "

" You are such an asshole! " Jihyun says leaving out the house angrily then taehyung pets yeontan calming him down before sighing softly then he looks at his pet

" Tannie, I need to win jungkook back.. but how can I do that if I can't find him? "

Yeontan tilted his head to his fathers words confused then taehyung gave him a few pets before sitting there thinking

" What should I do? "


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