In A Moment, Everything Can Change

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@vybecheck changed their name to crisis🚨

crisis🚨 made a chat
crisis🚨 renamed the chat to keeping up with new earth🎥

crisis🚨 added @flashinlights
crisis🚨 added @iceicebaby
crisis🚨 added @specialk
crisis🚨 added @greenmeanie
crisis🚨 added @drgay
crisis🚨 added @haksnak
crisis🚨 added @summerove
crisis🚨 added @ladiesfirst 
crisis🚨 added @lancer
crisis🚨 added @wrongera
crisis🚨 added @atomiclevel
crisis🚨 added @merman
crisis🚨 added @reportthis
crisis🚨 added @blondebiby
crisis🚨 added @snowway
crisis🚨 added @fireburning
crisis🚨 added @stormyweather
crisis🚨 added @zarochill
crisis🚨 added @sharpeshooter
crisis🚨 added @yesoccifer 
crisis🚨 added @goldengirl
crisis🚨 added @picklepepper
crisis🚨 added @behbeh
crisis🚨 added @prezzyjax
crisis🚨 added @payneting 
crisis🚨 added @piercing
crisis🚨 added @freeschotts
crisis🚨 added @lesbikane
crisis🚨 added @sopmoore
crisis🚨 added @stayfrosty

crisis🚨: get your ass in here and change your names

@flashinlights changed their name to speedy👟
@iceicebaby changed their name to cap'n rex🥃
@specialk changed their name to supes🫧
@greenmeanie changed their name to arrowhead🎟
@drgay changed their name to notlex🩺
@haksnak changed their name to aurora🐧
@summerlove changed their name to skyguy🦆
@ladiesfirst changed their name to eat lucy🐚
@lancer changed their name to padme🔫
@wrongera changed their name to stolen⛓
@atomiclevel changed their name to tiny🌀
@merman changed their name to aquaman🔱
@reportthis changed their name to garden🪷
@blondebiby changed their name to drink aiden🥂
@snowway changed their name to elsa🌨
@fireburning changed their name to hellion👺
@stormyweather changed their name to nuclear☄️
@zarochill changed their name to pack mule🧳
@sharpeshooter changed their name to lake beast🐊
@yesoccifer changed their name to swamp monster🪸
@goldengirl changed their name to caterpie🦋
@picklepepper changed their name to uno⏪
@behbeh changed their name to air head🌪
@prezzyjax changed their name to ballin🪐
@payneting changed their name to khali☀
@piercing changed their name to litty⚡
@freeschotts changed their name to winndow🌚
@lesbikane changed their name to bat kat🕸
@sopmoore changed their name to sop🌈

crisis🚨: great. now announce yourselves so we all know who's who

cap'n rex🥃: you're so dumb for this.. 🙄

crisis🚨: just follow instructions!

crisis🚨: also,, claim your favorite song atm

notlex🩺: fine, I'll play your game. I'm alex danvers and my fave song atm is pass me by by r5

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