Chp 13: Battle of Ziggurat

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3rd POV

Vox Machina arrived at the ziggurat and it begins to glow in green. Suddenly Scanlan realizes and begin to put the pieces together about the book.

Grog: Uh, Scanlan?

Scanlan: (Gasp.) It wasn't a spell book. It was an instructon manual. The drawings, the symbols, it all had to do with that name.

YN: What name?

Scanlan: Uh the wha...what was it? The- the Whispered One.

Pike: (Curious.) The Whispered One?

Vex: You've heard that name?

Pike: Once. Uh, from an elder of the Everlight.

YN: What do they know of it?

Pike: They said he's some sort of undead creature whose soul seeks the power to return to our plane.

Scanlan: I get the book, the maps, but what's with the star chart?

Keyleth: Its the solstice, when the barrier between the planes is the thinnest.

Scanlan: Oh, sure, sure, the planes. Yeah, yeah, what does that mean?

Keyleth: If this Whispered One wants to cross over, now is the time to do it.

YN: So the barrier is the only thing that's between him and our plane.

Pike: And the Briarwoods must be trying to help him.

YN: But why? What does the Whisper guy have that they want.

Vex: I don't give a shit what they're doing or what they want. I just want my brother back.

YN: No, we need to stop them first.

Vex: Didn't you just hear me-

YN: If the Whispered guy comes to our world, then we'll lose everything including Vax. Look, I know I may be a ass, but I know what's it like to losing a family, believe me. (Sigh.) We'll split up so we can deal with the idiots while the other deals with Vax.

Vex nods from understandable and they get closer before they hide in cover from being spotted.

Vex: (Gasp.) Vax.

Grog: Okay, I'll take Vax. (Crack his neck.) Piece of cake.

Vex: Grog, I want him alive.

Grog: Oh. Uh, then I got Cassandra.

Percy: No, she will answer to me.

Grog: Oh...(Pouts.) I never get to play.

Pike: Buddies, we still need somebody to handle Silas. Any suggestions?

Grog: Um, I don't know, maybe Ripley? Doesn't really matter what happens to her.

Ripley: Hey!

YN: I don't know, I'm with Grog on this one.

Pike: (Smiles.) I was talking about you. 

Grog: Oh...

YN: No, I call dibs on fighting him.

Grog: Aw man...

Grog stares at YN with his puppy eyes.

YN: 'Fuck, he's too innocent!' Okay fine, if you get him first.

Grog: (Chuckles.) Goody!

Ripley: Please, how can you kill Silas who's a vampire and in a room where there's no sunlight?

YN: I've killed deadly vampires than him in the dark.

Ripley: What are you gonna do, burn him?

YN: Something like that.

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