How you met

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You had lived in the apartment for a while, around 4 or 5 years. You knew everybody there. From the owner to Larry's mom, Lisa. You were a bit nosey. Not one of those people knocked on your door to get to meet you. It had always been either the other way around or not at all. But suddenly, you got a knock on your door. You thought it was Lisa asking if you wanted any snacks off of her cart or if your laundry basket was full, but to your surprise, it wasn't. In fact,.it wasn't anybody you recognized. A new person, maybe? You thought, but before you could finish thinking, the person introduced themself. "Hi... I'm Sal... my.. friends call me Sally Face." He said. "Oh wow! It's a pleasure to meet you, Sal." You said, shaking his  hand. "My name is Y/N, and -" You both were interrupted when Lisa came by with snacks from her cart. "Do you kids want anything?" She asked sweetly. "I'm okay, Lisa." You said giggling. "What's about you, Sal? Do you want anything?" You asked, noticing he seemed quite shy and anxious. "A-Ah, no thanks, I'm not hungry..." he replied. "Well, alright then, I'll just give them to Larry." She said as she continued down the hall. You smiled and said, "Sorry about that, Lisa is so sweet but has the worst timing. Do you wanna come in? I can get you something to drink." You offered. "U-Uh sure, if it doesn't bother you." He replied. You stepped out of the way and let him walk by. You closed the door and walked to your kitchen. You stopped in the doorway, "Make yourself comfy! Really, don't act like a stranger." You said, realizing the irony of what you said. He sat down on the couch, and you finished your walk in the kitchen. "What do you want to drink?" You asked. "Do you have any soda?" He asked. "Yeah, I have Fanta, Coke, Dr. Pepper, and Pepsi." You replied. "C-Can I have Dr. Pepper?" He asked nervously. "Of course you can!" You said optimistically. You grabbed a can of Fanta and Dr. Pepper then walked out of the kitchen and to the couch. You sat down next to him, handing him the Dr. Pepper. He grabbed it nervously. You felt bad for him. He must be nervous moving to a new town. "Do you want me to order pizza?" You asked him. "Oh no, that's okay... I-I wouldn't want to bother you..." You sighed and told him something you hoped he'd never forget. "You wanna know what bothers me?" You asked him. He nodded, worrying it was something he'd done and hoped to fix it. "Arrogant, egotistical assholes. Do you wanna know what doesn't bother me?" You asked him again. He nodded, slightly confused where you were going with this. "Ordering my new friend a pizza." You said, hoping to cheer him up. He was wearing his mask, so you couldn't see it, but you felt him smile. "So now, I'll ask again. Do you want a delicious, cheesy, messy pizza?" You asked him once more. He giggled, "A pizza would be nice." He replied. "I knew you'd say that!" You said, jumping up to grab the phone. You ordered the pizza and said, "It should be here in about 15 minutes." He twidled his thumbs nervously. "Again, thank you so much, I genuinely appreciate you being so nice to me. Unlike the lady upstairs that -" You cut him off, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Slammed the door in your face? Yeah, she tends to do that. I found a trick, though. She normally orders takeout, and if you bring it to her, she'll be nice. Especially if you tell her you left the tip." He chuckled loudly, throwing his head back. "That really works?!" He said, sounding mind blown. "Mhm, just ask the owner who's order it is if you catch any food. If he tells you it's her, bring it up to her. She'll listen to you, at least." You said with a smile on your face. He laughed again and said, "Well, thanks. Maybe you can tell me all the tricks to people here." After you both got to know each other, and it got late, there was a knock at your door. "I'll get it." You said. You opened the door to see a worried man who had blue hair just like Sal. "Is my son in here?!" The man asked, sounding like he was gonna have an aneurysm. "Uh, Sal, is this your dad?" You asked him. "Yup, that's him." Sal's father had a sigh of relief. "Hi, dad." Sal said, waving to his father. "I got all the furniture set up, and I wasn't sure what happened. I noticed you disappeared, so I figured I'd come looking for you. I knocked on almost every door in this building." His father said. "I'm sorry I worried you, Mr. Fisher." You said, shaking his hand. "Ah, that's alright. What's your name young (insert lady, mister, etc.)?" He asked. "My name is Y/N! I' a new friend of your son's." You added. He smiled. "I'm glad you're making friends, Sal." His dad chuckled. Sal visibly rolled his eyes. "It's 11:15, Sal. We can continue this tomorrow." You said with a smile. "You're right... goodnight, Y/N." He said, waving and walking out the door." You giggled. "Have a good afternoon, you two!" You said waving. As you closed the door, you sighed and decided to head to bed. After all, you had a new friend to hang out with in the morning.

Sal Fisher x Female! Y/N (Mostly Sfw With Some Nsfw)Where stories live. Discover now