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You were laying on your couch in a bra, shorts, socks, and your hair in 2 braids. You were texting your mom who had a job out in Colorado.

Mom ❤️

You: Hey mom, when are you coming to visit me?
Mom ❤️: I'm not sure, hon. I think on Thanksgiving. Why?
You: Oh no reason, I just miss you. ❤️
Mom ❤️: Oh honey, I love and miss you, too.
Mom ❤️: ❤️❤️❤️
You: ❤️❤️❤️

God damnit Thanksgiving feels so far away. You put your phone down and watched TV. You felt a sudden hunger rumbled in your stomach. Damn, you thought. You got up and walked to the kitchen. You grabbed a ramen noodle cup and the seasoning that came with it. You made your noodles and walked back to the couch, grabbing a water bottle on your way back. You ate your noodles, watching the TV intensely. You twirled your fork into the cup of noodles, putting the fork on your tongue only to be disappointed. You ate all your noodles! You looked down to see an empty cup, the only thing left in the cup being oil and seasoning. You rolled your eyes and sighed in disappointment, getting up to take care of garbage. You put your fork in the sink and noodle cup in the trash, walking back to the fridge to see what you had left. Hm... There wasn't much to choose from. You decided to order pizza. You called The Hut (cause nobody could out pizza it  (im sorry 😭)) and ordered your pizza. You waited, watching your TV until your pizza arrived. The door opened, and you saw Sal, holding a pizza in his left hand and opening the door with his right. When he saw your lack of clothes, he blushed and looked away. "D-Delivery..." he said nervously. "AHHH!" You screamed, startled by his sudden arrival. "KNOCK YOU MOTHER - oh, it's you!" You said with a smile. He laughed so hard he almost dropped your pizza. He stalked toward you, setting down the pizza on your table. "You can stay over if you want and have some." You said. "I-If it doesn't bother you, I'd love to!" He said, closing the door and walking over to you. He sat on the couch beside you. "Sooooo...whatcha watchin'?" He asked awkwardly, trying to make small talk to take his mind off of your body. "Oh, I'm watching (insert your favorite show)," you said smiling, knowing full well it was probably a show that he would love. His eyes narrowed under his mask as he smiled. You two continued chatting and catching him up on your show, eating pizza, and watching TV. You would occasionally notice him look at you out of the corner of your eye. You glanced over and noticed him staring at your chest under your bra. You blushed slightly but looked back at the TV, pretending not to notice. You kept glancing over and kept catching him staring at your chest. You finally turned to him, and he looked away, pretending to watch the TV. "I can go put on a shirt if my tits are too distracting." You said bluntly. He blushed intensely, "W-What're you talking about?!" You rolled your eyes. "You keep staring at my chest!" You blushed and looked away but still faceing him. "I-I'M SO SORRY! I-I WASN'T TRYING TO STARE I-I JUST- Y-YOU LOOK SO PERFECT I MEAN YOUR BODY- NO- I- N-Nevermind..." he said, blushing and sounding defeated. "I-I'm not a perv I just -" He sighed, looking at the floor, "I just think you look really pretty...y-you AND your body..." he mumbled. You giggled, "YOU'RE SUCH A PERV!!!" He began panicking and frantically tried to explain himself. "N-NO! I JUST THINK YOU LOOK REALLY PRETTY AND PERFECT, AND I- I'm not making this any better..." He said, trying not to make the situation any worse. He thought you were seriously uncomfortable. "I'm just teasing you, Sal," you said, giggling, "I really don't care if you look at me like that." You blushed and looked away, "I actually... kind of like it when you look at me l-like that..." He looked back at you with widened eyes and blush trailing across his face. His eyes widened more as a sudden thought formed in his head. He looked away and crawled into your lap, hovering over you. You looked at him with a look of almost fear in your eyes. No...it wasn't fear... it was more... curiosity. He collapsed onto your chest. His chin was right below your breasts. He tilted his head down so his face was in the space between your breasts. "B-BABY?!" You said as a sort of question loudly. You could feel his cold prosthetic mask on your chest. You blushed frantically when suddenly your phone buzzed. You frowned a bit but still picked it up.

Sal Fisher x Female! Y/N (Mostly Sfw With Some Nsfw)Where stories live. Discover now