Class time

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You and Sal had the same classes together. You both talked shit about the teacher, Travis being the asshole that he is, and about the garbage they serve for lunch instead of paying attention to the lesson. When class finally ended, you had to split up to get to your lockers. You waved and parted ways, though when you started down the hallway, you got a gut feeling that something was off. You were putting the code into your lock before you heard a hoarse, annoying, familiar voice. "Hey you, ugly ass bitch!" Travis called. You looked his way. "What do you want, asshole?!" You asked, annoyed. "Are you actually friends with that Sally Face freak?! He'a a LOSER!" He said, laughing after. You smiled. "Y'know, it's funny because you're way too much of a pussy to actually say that to his face." His eye twitched in anger from your comment. "The hell did you just say to me you dirty slut?!" He shouted, shoving you against the locker. "I won't hesitate to beat your ass bitch, so watch what you say." He said sternly. You smirked. "Is that a threat? 'Cuz if so, it's a pretty weak one." You giggled. "Listen here, bitch," he grabbed your chin to face him, "if you and that little freak don't stay in your places, I'll knock your teeth out."  You smiled again, "Okay, BUDDY." You said, shoving him away from you. He walked down the hallway, mumbling comments about you before you shouted something at him. "Oh, and by the way... you should really consider brushing your teeth!" He turned around and looked at you with an angry expression. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, BITCH!" You chuckled. "HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND, TRAVIPOO!" You yelled down the hallway. He flipped you the bird as he turned the corner. You turned around and dropped your stuff in your locker. After you started your way down the hallway, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You pulled out your phone and checked the notification.

Sal <3: Hey are you done at your locker?

You smiled at the text and started your reply.

You: Yeah, I'm heading down hallway C rn
Sal <3: Okaaayyyy

You smiled again and put your phone back in your pocket, continuing down the hall.


When you and Sal met up in the cafeteria, you noticed Travis staring at both of you. Sal noticed as well and became curious. "What the fuck is he staring at?" Sal asked. You shrugged, "I had an "intervention" with him in the hallway." You said, smiling and doing air quotes at 'intervention.' Sal looked concerned. "Did he hit you?" He asked. You shook your head, "He tried to pin me to my locker cause he knew he was losing the argument." Sal rolled his eyes, "What were you two arguing about?" He asked. "Well he called me an ugly bitch for no reason per usual so that was the start." Sal's eyes widened, "What the hell?! The nerve 'o the guy drives me insane!" He spoke loudly. You giggled. "Forget about that prick, I wanted to introduce you to my friend group!" You replied with glee. He smiled nervously. "Are they..." You cut him off, "No, Sal. They won't judge you. If anything, Larry will just act like a dumbass per usual and think that your mask is a part of your asthetic." Sal chuckled, "Well I'm glad your friends are cool." He said, following you over to the lunch table. You sat down in the seat you normally sat in at the table. Sal sat next to you, still a bit unsure if he would be welcomed or not.


"Hey Y/N," Ash started, "who's your friend?" She asked curiously. You smiled and turned to Sal, who was trying his best to draw as little attention of the table as possible. "This is... why don't you introduce yourself?" Sal looked at you nervously. You nodded, reassuring him that he could get through it. "My name is Sal... my friends call me Sally Face." He uttered. Everyone at the table looked at him. "No shit, that's a cool ass name." Larry replied. "I like your mask, by the way." He added. "It's a prosthetic.." Sal responded. "Oh... shit..." Larry spoke softly, staring at him with wide eyes. Ash rolled her eyes. "My name's Ashley, but you can call me Ash! It's nice to meet you, Sally Face." She said sweetly.


After everyone introduced themselves, everyone began talking and trying to get to know Sal better. You were a little jealous at first, but when they started asking questions like, "Are you a virgin?" (And ofc it was Larry who asked that one) Sal spoke up. "I need to go to the bathroom really quick..." Sal replied, sounding uncomfortable. "Me too, actually." You said, following him. You took Sal's hand and walked to the girls' bathroom. You walked into a stall and pinned him to the wall. He blushed intensely. "Look... ever since they've asked you questions, I've been jealous as hell..." You admitted. He stared at you, a bit nervous and blushing. "W-why though?" He asked, a bit confused as to why you were jealous of your friends. You sighed and took off his mask, kissing him sloppily. His breaths became shakey, and his body began to shudder at your touch. He then realized that he was completely at your mercy, but he wasn't too worried. You then kissed him again, more assertively and using your tongue. You swirled your tongue around his and explored his mouth until you were satisfied. You then pulled away after hearing him slightly whimper. Your eyes trailed down to his neck, and you kissed his neck gently. He moaned softly at the feeling of your lips against the skin of his neck. You chuckled and licked his neck gently. He visibly shuddered at your tongue. "Tell me if you can't handle it, okay?" You asked him. He nodded, and that was all you needed. You began sucking on his neck, trailing hickeys down it while he moaned softly in ecstasy. You continued until you left about four, maybe five hickeys on his neck. He shuddered when you stopped as he felt your hot breath on his neck. You stood straight up once more and looked him in the eye. He turned away and refused to look at you. You chuckled. "You alright?" You asked him. He sighed, "Y-yeah... I think so."


Suddenly, the door of the bathroom opened. "Hey, Y/N... you in here?" Shit... you thought. You stayed silent while Sal panicked but also stayed silent. "Hm..." Ash said before closing the door and heading out. You sighed with relief. "Let's go now, I'll make up some dumb excuse that they'll believe." You said, smiling. He chuckled. "Alright, let's go to chemistry." He said, putting his mask back on. You did jazz hands and rolled your eyes while sarcasticly saying, "Yaaay..."


You then quickly stopped him, your eyes widening. He turned around a bit confused, "What's wrong?" You stared at his neck with wide eyes. You then whisper-yelled, "I FORGOT TO COVER YOUR HICKEYS WITH FOUNDATION." His eyes widened, and he whisper-yelled back, "WHAT?!" He blushed under the mask and took your hand, running back to your locker. After you blended out the foundation, you headed back to chemistry as if it all never happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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Sal Fisher x Female! Y/N (Mostly Sfw With Some Nsfw)Where stories live. Discover now