Cuddles <3

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You were laying on the couch, Sal and Gizmo, on top of you. Sal's face was aimed at the TV when suddenly he looked up at the ceiling and turned his head up to see you. "What's wrong, baby?" You asked him, knowing that it made him blush every single time you called him that. "Nothing, you're just so gorgeous." He said, continuing to stare into your eyes. You leaned in and gave him a forehead kiss. "Well, your mask covers up how handsome you are, so I think you should take it off." You said smirking. He sighed and sat up. Gizmo looked at him with surprise as he unclipped his mask, pulling it off and setting it down on the coffee table. He laid back down, and Gizmo got comfy again. He looked back up at you again. "Happy?" He asked with a smile. You nodded. You looked back at the TV, but Sal didn't. You looked back down and noticed he closed his eyes. You looked at him, peaceful falling asleep, and grabbed a blanket, covering up both Sal and Gizmo. As you gently pulled the blanket over them, Gizmo crawled up the blanket to Sal's chin and simply laid back down with his tail curled under his face like a pillow. You began gently playing with his hair, giving him a scalp massage, and scratching his scalp lightly. He fell into a deep sleep. A sudden rush of exhaustion crashed over you like an ocean wave, and before you knew it, you were asleep, too.

Sal Fisher x Female! Y/N (Mostly Sfw With Some Nsfw)Where stories live. Discover now