King/Ruler and Assassin (Ask 15)

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Ask: Couple with political leader/King and his favourite assassin? Everyone knows they're a couple but only as Person B's disguise, not a spy/assassin...

Person A's enemies probably disappear overnight 😂

And if someone else does their own assassination attempt on A then hod help them...-anon

I love the idea! made me work on it for days! sorry for the delay! Thank you my dear anon!

Tag|Summon|Battle cry my name! I wanna read what you used!

-The leader just practically has a shadow of a bodyguard, one they didn't hire.

-The late-night visits when assassination is supposed to happen but they just end up either making out or cuddling.

-The ruler waking up to his halls bloody and his assassin covered in blood and the enemy on the floor.

-"You are simply to die for my king huh?"

-Oh God the assassin puns!

-"I'd literally kill for you" "And I'd die if it's by your hands"

-"Be my heart stopper

-The ruler's assassin towering over other assassins and hissing "This one's mine, hands off"

-Assassin finding the castle king free and notes from the enemy. Be prepared.

-The king parading around with his assassin in their casual wear while the assassin also scopes the area from threats.

-The king silencing the harassing civilian when they talk harshly of the assassin.

-The ruler pulling strings just to hire the assassin to work for him and free the assassin from their past.

-The conversation the day after when the assassin's plans 'foils' again. Poking fun at the attempted assassination.

-"Did you really moan last night?" "W-well you were pressing the knife too deep and it just happened..."

-The king pledging to his assassin queen/king.

-"Oh you never fear the king, you fear the queen, she has her own deadly aura"

-"The nights seem much safer didn't you notice?" "Hmm yes, wonder why?"

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