S-2 : Episode 2

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The next day

Yn picked her daughter from the school and they both reached home while talking about the day.

Yn - Seojun, go and get freshed and rest then we will do homework, okay?

Seojun nodded and ran to her room. She got freshed and as always she is watching TV while eating snacks.

Time skip

It has been one hour since she has been watching TV.

Yn - Seojun, enough now, let's do homework then you can play.

Seojun - Mumma, few mole minutesh pleash.

Yn - No, baby, if you do now then you can play later. Come on let's go to your room.

Then they both went to Seojun's roomwithout any argument. Yn opened her bag and took out her diary where teachers write the homework. She opened the diary and there was a note by her teacher.

"Mrs. Jeon, Seojun didn't completed her homework, please do a check and make her do the work daily."

She read the note and it was obvious that she was very angry at Seojun.

Yn - Seojun, why did you lied to me?

Seojun - I didn't lied, mum-

Yn - Stop it! It's enough now, you are becoming very naughty, you need a punishment.

Seojun - Sholly mu-

Yn - No sorry. You crossed your limits, who taught you to lie, huh?

Seojun - Sholly mumma, I-I will nevel lie again.

Yn - Now I need to give you punishment. You will not watch TV for 2 days and no mobile, understood?

Now Seojun started crying and at the same time JungKook came home. His shift was was over early.

He came upstairs after listening Yn's scoldings and Seojun's crying sound.

JungKook - What happened? Why is she crying Yn? Did you scold her again?

Seojun ran to her father and hugged him making him sit on the chair beside Seojun's bed. He made Seojun sit on his lap and comforted her.

Yn - Today you will not stop me. Seojun come here.

JungKook - But atleast tell me what did she do?

Yn - She lied to me. When yesterday I asked her if she had any homework, she denied and today her teacher gave a note on her diary.

JungKook - Okay, I understand she did a mistake, but don't scold her.

Yn - JungKook, you always spare her and that makes her less scared of us and she gets the courage to be more naughty.

JungKook - Okay, I will tell her not to do that again.

Yn - You better be strict with her or I am not sparing her for the next time.

Then Yn left the room while stomping her feet angrily.

JungKook - Seojun, baby, look at me. Today you really made your mumma upset. You should haven't lied to her.
Lying is really bad habit. Promise me to never to do that again and be a good girl.

Seojun - Sholly daddy. I will never lie again, plomish.

She said while wiping her tears.

JungKook - Now go and apologise to her and promise her to be a good girl, okay?

She nodded and then went to her parents bedroom where Yn was. Yn was sitting in the balcony where light sun rays were reaching the balcony.

Seojun went near her mother and hugged her.

Seojun - I am sholly mumma, I will nevel lepeat that mishtake again. I plomish.

Yn - Seojun, go, I want to rest, I am tired.

Seojun - Mumma, pleash talk to me. I am sho sholly. I plomish to be a good gull now.

She said while holding her ears and her eyes were getting teary.

A tear slipped through Yn's cheeks.

Seojun - Mumma, pleash don't cry, I am sholly. Pleash don't hate me mumma.

She said and hugged her again and this time Yn too hugged her.

Yn - Baby, I love you but I hate when you are being a bad girl. Please don't do such things, I really feel bad.

Seojun - Plomish, I will alwaysh obey you.

Then Yn wiped Seojun's tears and kissed her forehead.

JungKook - Mother-daughter talk without me?

Yn - Yes because we don't need you right now. We both are spending our quality time, right Seojun?

Seojun - Yesh daddy, mumma ish right.

They both giggled. JungKook came near them and sat on a chair beside Yn's chair while Seojun was already sitting on Yn's lap. The three of them talked and laughed when Yn remembered that Seojun still has her homework pending.

Yn - Seojun, now, you have do your homework, come let's go.

JungKook - Wait, you do one thing, bring your bag here, we both will help you, okay?

Seojun - Okay, I will bling.

Then she ran to her room and quickly got her bag and sat on the bed to do her homework.

Then Yn and JungKook came inside and they both helped her in doing the work. Yn taught how to write while holding her hand and at that time JungKook secretly clicked their pictures as a memory of 'Seojun learning how to write'.

Then after doing homework, Seojun played with JungKook while Yn made dinner.

They had their dinner and went out for an evening walk. The family walked together while talking and giggling.

After walking a little far, Seojun said

Seojun - Dadda, my legs are hurting.

JungKook - Oh so my princess is tired. Wanna get a piggyback ride?

Seojun - Yesh.

She said getting happy.

Yn helped Seojun to get on JungKook's back and then they started walking again.

Seojun - Mumma, do you want to eat ishe-cleam?

Yn - No, I don't want.

Seojun - Daddy, do you want to eat ishe-cleam?

JungKook understood what was getting in Seojun's and giggled and said

JungKook - Baby, why don't you say that you want to eat ice-cream instead of asking us both?

Then they went to the ice-cream shop that Seojun saw before starting the topic.

They had their favourite flavoured ice-cream and then headed to their home.


Sorry for a short chapter, I am running out of ideas. I have an idea but I think it's not the time to use it.

I am also making another fanfiction but I will upload it when I will finish writing some more parts of it so that I will be regular and then I will end this book because I don't think it's interesting now.

Bye everyone and be safe.

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