S-2 : Episode 4

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After 1 year...

Seojun turned six and more naughtier and you can credit JungKook, her father for her naughtiness. Yn was trying to get strict but it was always JungKook who would let it slip and spoil their daughter with his love.


Today is sunday and Seojun and JungKook both are sleeping. Waking them up is the most difficult thing. Listening to their tantrums for letting them sleep more is irresistible.

I am making braekfast and then I will have to do the most difficult job, wake them up. I was cutting the vegetables, because today I will be making sandwiches for breakfast. I was doing my job but suddenly I flinched when I felt two muscular arms around my waist and warm breath against my neck.

Yn - Good Morning, Koo. Did you sleep well?

I said without moving and letting him hug me.

JungKook - Good Morning, sweetheart, I slept well.

Yn - Go and get freshed and also wake up Seojun.

JungKook tightened his grip around my waist and said,

JungKook - Let her sleep and first give me my morning kiss.

Yn - Aish! Let me make breakfast, what if Seojun comes down and see us like this? Go now.

JungKook - I don't care. I will not go without getting my morning kiss. If you don't give me then I can take it by my own.

I held his arms to loosen his grip around my waist and turned around to face him. He was looking cute and his hair were reaching his eyes. Without thinking twice, I kissed him. The kiss was soft and passionate. I could feel my cheeks burning and I am damn sure that my cheeks are red by now.

Seojun - Good morning mumma, good morning dadda.

Seojun said in a cute voice while coming downstairs and still rubbing her eyes. As soon as I heard Seojun's voice, I pushed JungKook and turned towards the kitchen counter and looked at Seojun still rubbing her eyes.

JungKook quickly went near the fridge, acting like taking out a water bottle. I sighed in relief that Seojun didn't saw us like that.

Yn - Good Morning, baby. How was your sleep?

Seojun - Sweet as always.

Yn - Okay, go and take bath then I will serve the breakfast.

Seojun - Okay mumma.

Seojun left and I was relieved that she didn't suspected.

Yn - What if Seojun had saw us like that? What will she think about us?

JungKook again came near me and hugged me.

Yn - JungKook, you are a father and still you act so flirty even sometimes in front of her. What if she catches something bad?

JungKook - Don't worry about that.

He then kissed my neck and then backed off. He ate some strawberries and drank his banana milk.

Yn - Go and take bath, then I will serve the breakfast.

He nodded and went to our bedroom.
Soon the breakfast was ready and I served it on the table when I saw Seojun and JungKook coming downstairs while talking and giggling. Seojun was in JungKook's hands looking very tiny in his big figure.

Seojun - What did you make for breakfast?

Yn - It's sandwiches, you like it, right?

Seojun - Yay! That's my favourite.

She gave me kiss on my cheeks and sat on her seat being very excited.

She had a bite from her plate and commented 'tasty'. We had our breakfast and since it was sunday, I didn't forced Seojun to study. As I was washing the dishes, Seojun came to me and pulled my dress cutely. I looked at her to know the reason of her action.

Seojun - Mumma, can I go out to play with my friend?

Yn - What? You wanna go now? Don't you think it's too early? It's just 11 AM now.

Seojun - Mumma please. Daddy tell to mumma to let me go out.

Yn - Okay okay. You can go but don't go too far to play, be nearby and come home soon, okay?

Seojun - Okay mumma, bye!

She went out to play and I felt how silence took over the house as she left. I did work and sat on the couch near JungKook who was busy in watching TV.

Yn - Let's watch some K-drama.

I suggested and he nodded and selected some romantic drama, intentionally. The scenes were very romantic. We both were watching it when a kissing scene popped. He looked at me and by that time my cheeks were red as tomato.

JungKook - It has been eight years of our marriage and still you blush so much.

Yn - Stop it and change it. I know you did it inten-

My words were cutted when I felt a pair of lips on mine. He was kissing me. He hovered over me on the couch, I tried to push him but it was of no use. He bit my lower lip which caused me to gasp and give him a chance to enter his tongue in my mouth.

Our moment was interrupted again when I heard a click sound and I was obvious that someone opened the main door. I quickly pushed him and adjusted myself like nothing happened.

I heard JungKook looking there and whispering 'she always ruins my moment.' I chuckled and suddenly I thought why Seojun came so early. She never comes home until I call her.

I looked at her and she stepped in. She was holding someone's hand. As she stepped forward I realised that she was holding a boy's hand. She never brings any of her friend at home but why today?

I stood up and tried recognising the boy but couldn't. I know all her friends but I never saw this boy playing with her.

Yn - Seojun? Did you not play? And who is this boy with you?

Seojun - Mumma, daddy, I wanna tell you something.

JungKook - Yes baby, tell. What happened?

Seojun - He is my boyfriend. I will marry him.


Am sorry for leaving you all in suspense.

Guess what will be Yn and JungKook's reaction. How will they react?

Thank you so much for your support. I love you so much.

Am gonna cry 😭 I never thought this story will be liked so much by you all. I thought I am writing rubbish. Thank you so much for giving me energy.

And also congratulations to all that Jungkook became the global brand ambassador of Calvin Klein.

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