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Carlos and TK were cuddling on the couch, it was 3 am and TK woke up, he went over to turn off their TV which was still on, Carlos wasn't up yet so TK went and made them breakfast even though it was 3 in the morning, Carlos woke up at the sound of a plate falling to the floor in several pieces.

"TK are you OKAY?" Carlos asked.

"Yes, it was just a plate," TK walked over to Carlos and ran his hand through his hair

"I'm fine" TK said

"But you're just so hot"

"I know," TK kissed him on the lips, but Carlos stopped because it was not what he meant.

"No, not like that, you're very hot, but"

"Are you trying to say I have a fever?" TK said a little mad that he broke the kiss.

"Yes" Carlos said nervously

"Carlos, I'm fine" TK lied.

TK just don't want Carlos to worry, but I want to throw up and i feel dizzy TK thought

But Carlos didn't believe him. TK went over to collect the broken plate, but he stopped at one point and put his hand over his mouth and then ran into their bathroom.

Carlos was confused and asked if TK was okay, but TK didn't answer him. Carlos went to the bathroom and saw his husband lying on the floor, Carlos ran to TK and knelt down.

"TK what happened?"

"I threw up"

"What? Why? But?"

"I do not feel so good"

Carlos felt TK's forehead, he was boiling, Carlos was on his way out, but before he could get out the door TK grabbed his arm.

"You can't go"

"You can't leave me," TK said as a tear fell down his cheek


The last time he threw up and was this bad he was with Alex, TK was waiting for Alex to come home from practice and when Alex came home he was drunk and hit TK but TK had called Owen and asked him to come so Owen was on his way over there. Owen walked in on Alex on top of TK while beating him up.


Carlos was a little confused, "I'm not going anywhere, I just need the thermometer, I'll be back." 

TK's fever gets worse, but in the end, unexpected news arrivesWhere stories live. Discover now