'You' x male!reader 「💐」

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Explaination: 'You' aka the main character in BFS - [Boss Fighting Stages]. Both of you will hangout for a while.

“Instead of sending flowers..”

   Come back to me..”

“And, only in your arms.. Again.

[This is platonic lol]

It was a sunny yet cloudy day, [Reader] doesn't know what to do right now. [Reader] was in his room. It's kinda lonesome of him.

[Reader] remembered that, not too long ago.. [Reader] were brought here, in the castle.. Alongside, a guy with a white shirt named 'You'.

(A pretty weird name for a guy, huh?)

[Reader] and 'You' became close as time passed. Both of them started to become close friends. They'd hangout with eachother every now and then.

[Reader] would always hungout with him. He's a pretty fun guy. But, his puns are pretty.. Bad..? Either way, both of them close. They would make the most chaotic duo. (With Baller to)

Knock, knock, knock!!

Someone's knocking on [Reader]'s door, shall he open it, or no?

[Reader] got up from his desk, [Reader] was doodling something earlier. [Reader] slowly opened the door. And it was...

'You' was standing right in front of [Reader], he just gave a wave before he spoke to him.

" How's it going, [Reader]!! "

'You' gave [Reader] a small grin, before continuing to speak.

" Wanna hangout later? Umm, like last time? Outside the castle? "

[Reader] immediately nodded with excitement in his [e/c] eyes.

" At sunset, right? Well, okay! I was pretty bored anyways. Glad to hear that we're going out of the castle again. "

[Reader] says as 'You' happily smiled, and gave him a pat on the shoulder. Before, walking back to his room.

Hours passed.. It was sunset. [Reader] went out of his room to meet 'You' outside the castle. The sky was a yellow-ish orange that had a bit of purple. It looked quite astonishing.

[Reader] then saw 'You' sitting underneath a tree that was not too far from the castle.

[Reader] ran up to 'You', they started chatting and slacking off. They're really close.

They were in a huge field. It was not too far from the castle, as you may notice in one of the parts.

Psst~! [Reader]? Got any idea on what to do? I feel pretty bummed out..

'You' laid back on the tree. He crossed his arms and patiently waits for a reply.

[Reader] thought for a moment, he couldn't think of anything to do right now.. Until, he glanced over those flower on the grass.

Wanna make a flower crown together? I'm sure it'll suit us.

[Reader] stiffles a laugh, as he walks over to the pile of multicolored flowers. And starts to collect them.

'You' just smiled, and starts walking towards [Reader] And, went by [Reader]'s side to pick up some flowers.

Minutes later..

Both finally finished picking the flowers [Reader] and 'You' needed. [Reader] starts making a flower crown for 'You'. 'You' does the exact same.

Both guys eventually finished, and starts giving eachother the flower crowns that [Reader] and 'You' made.

Both of them appreciated each other's work.

[Reader] and 'You' had to go back to the castle since.. The sky got quite dark.

They'd eventually see eachother again tomorrow..


  Sorry i haven't been posting for nearly a month..
I've been busy 😍

I worked on this at nearly 12 am (send help)

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