Baller x female!reader 「💢」

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Imagine seeing a friend of yours, Baller. Annoying the fuck out of Crusher. To the point Crusher might slam Baller's head onto the ground out of pure anger and annoyance.

Alright, Back to the current situation.. Teehee.

“Aghh!! Baller! Stop bugging me!”

Crusher exclaimed, he's nearly at his limits. Baller was just there, acting like a kid. Trying to piss Crusher off just because.. He was.. Bored..?


Baller sticks his tongue out just to tease/mock Crusher.

“Oh, c'mon Crusher! There's nothing wrong with a best buddy to.. Prank your.. A—”

Baller got cut off, as Crusher immediately snapped and yelled.


Crusher yelled in a harsh tone.

Baller stood there in silence, tears were about to spill out of his crimson red eyes. He's quite sensitive, yet is afraid to show it to anyone.. As Baller thinks it'll make him weak in front of others.

“Oh.. Uhm.. I.. S-Sorry for snapping at you, Baller—”

Crusher tried to apologize, but.. Baller already ran away into his room, locking the door shut. [Reader] ran after him, since.. You can't just leave him crying in his room alone.

You arrived in front of the door to Baller's room. As you start knocking on the door. In hopes of Baller to open the door, which he eventually did.

He hid his face from you. Faint sobs, whimpers, and sniffles you could hear escaping his shriveled up mouth. Baller continued sobbing.

You felt bad for him. You then hugged him, tightly as possible, just to comfort Baller. [Reader] felt bad. You began to wipe Baller's tears away with your fingers, one by one.. Tears kept gushing out.

Baller burrows his head onto your shoulder. As he firmly grips onto your body. He's slightly taller than you.. But, he's just so.. Sensitive. You pat his back. Baller slowly but surely calms down.

“.. I don't know why I did that.. It was stupid of me.. I'm sorry, [Reader]. I shouldn't have annoyed Crusher.. I'm being an idiot right now..

Baller muttered regretfully.

You placed your hand under Baller's chin, and made him look directly at you.


You spoke with a stern look on your face.

“It's not your fault, alright? Don't say those kinds of things to yourself! You're better than that..”

You gently caressed his cheeks, which slowly turned red as time passed. Baller felt a tad bit embarrassed..

“[Reader].. Stop it.. You're embarrassing me..”

Baller whined. His cheeks were already warm and red. It was obvious he was flustered. He just wanted to act tough on you since.. Baller thought you'll like his 'tough' and confident side.

Meanwhile in reality, you just find it silly and adorable.

“Never will, my princess.”

You teased, as you had a smirk on your face.

Baller's face went completely red this time. He felt shocked that you decide to call him 'your princess'.

“Huh?!? WHAT WAS THAT FOR!! >:0”

Baller exclaims loudly.

“It's nothing.”

You still had that cheeky smirk on your face.

“I'm no princess!! I'm a handsome and a tough Master! >:[[”

Baller pouts. You just decided to pinch his cheek. Baller hissed in slight pain.

“I hate you. >:T”

Baller mumbles.

“Love you too, My prin—”

Shut up.

Baller's mood was back to normal. He eventually apologized to Crusher. But.. THAT STILL DOESN'T MEAN HE'S GONNA STO—

d, n. :)


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my babies 😍💞 grr 😾😾(literally the name of
Slicer's face on roblox💀)

Bet Slicer and Piercer have e-kittens.

Meanwhile, Crusher and Baller are playing
Mario kart or Super Smash Bros😭

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