Piercer x male!reader 「🦋」

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〖🌙 x 🌞 〗

The sun, proposes to the moon.

And the moon said

" I don't know ! I don't know !! Give me some time. "

The sun was shining brightly. It was a normal day. You didn't know what to do right now. Nothing happened this day. You hoped that tomorrow will be great.

You also remembered that you had a friend.
He was the original creator of the bow and is a Master. You were the sun. He was the moon.

Piercer is always serious and stoic. You've ever wondered if he has ever smiled, even just once.

And you were the bright shining sun in your guys' friendship. You were the exact opposite of his personality. You were a pretty outgoing, talkative, and a silly guy. Yet, you can get quite shy around some people.

You always see him leave for missions. But, he also has time for breaks. He's a pretty quiet guy. Seems like he's more focused on his job.

" Hey. "

A slightly deep voice calls out to you.

" Uh- Oh, it's just you. You kinda made my soul leave my body for a sec. "

You uttered to Piercer, who was right in front of you. He still has that serious look on his face, which made you shiver slightly just by the sight of it.

" Uh.. Do you need any help, Piercer? "

You tilted your head to the side, having a clueless and curious face on. The silence was kind of awkward for the both of you.

Until, Piercer finally utters a word.

" I just wanted to see if you're doing alright.. I apologize if I did something to scare you. "

Piercer muttered, before looking at a different direction, avoiding eye contact with you. And crossing his arms, before he made a faint huff sound.

You felt bad, even though you got a bit scared. But that doesn't mean you fear him That much.

" A-Ahmm.. No, you didn't scare me that much- I wasn't expecting you to suddenly appear behind me. That's all. "

You kindly said to Piercer, a small smile appears on your face. You felt a bit warm at this moment. You didn't know why, it felt.. Weird.

Piercer turns his head back to see you, He just blinks. As if he was confused about the smile.

" But, hey! Thanks for saving me from those enemies! I really appreciate it. "

You now have a bright and warm smile on your face. As your cheeks slightly heats up.

" If it weren't for you, I'd be gon- "

Piercer covers your mouth with his hand, preventing you to finish your sentence. He was a bit upset hearing that kind of word out of your mouth.

You were confused, as your face heats up even more.

" Don't. Finish. Your. Sentence. "

Piercer says it in a irritated and firm tone, while his hand still on your mouth. Your face was already red. He didn't notice that tho.

" Mmmfh- Mphmm?? " ( What's going on- Help?? )

Your face was starting to be hot as the sun.
You're fully aware that you're a guy.

How can some random guy fall in love with a master?

Your body twitched and shook slightly. You were flustered. You admit you liked him from the start. The way Piercer saved you from those.. ' Creatures '. Made your heart warm up and started to beat faster.

You couldn't get that memory out of your mind. You were saved by your ' prince charming '.

" Hello? [Reader]..? "

His voice calls out to you, as you got even more flustered as he said your name.. It feels like a dream. It felt so.. Lovely.

You didn't even notice that he was now holding you in his arms. Not in that way, but holding you captive-

You broke free from his tight grasp. Your whole face was red like a tomato. You were stuttering and twitching.

Before Piercer could even speak, you already ran away. You were too embarrassed to speak.

The other masters were minding their own businesses. But, the turned their heads to you. They saw you running away with a red face.

" What was that- "

The masters thought, so confused on why you're running away from Piercer. But, just decided to ignore it for a while.

Piercer just stood there in front of the castle's red gate/wall. Completely clueless on what he did.

" Well, that was unexpected. "

Piercer muttered to himself, he sighed in a disappointed way. Before walking inside the castle, and going back to his room.

' Will he ever notice these feelings?! '

You thought as you ran even faster, you're pretty delusional.

I don't think he'll ever notice.

( found this on the wiki 💀 bet this is Piercer's room- )

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( found this on the wiki 💀 bet this is Piercer's room- )

the end bitches 🦋


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