Crusher x female!reader 「💤」

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You were peacefully sitting on the grass outside of the castle. Since, there was nothing to do. You were dozing off and daydreaming about random stuff.

Til', you heard a man's voice behind you. Slowly getting louder and louder as he goes to your direction.

Hey [Reader]!! How are you doin'?

You turn your head to see who's behind you, it was Crusher. He seems to be in a happy mood!

You suddenly smiled just by seeing Crusher.
He rushes up to you and hugs you tightly, maybe even a bit too tight..

He's a big guy with a big hammer, what do you expect? But, he's a big sweetheart when it comes to you.

You hug him back, as you slowly buried your face onto his chest. Crusher's chest was like a huge and soft pillow.

Ahaha!! Seems like someone's happy to see me! Aren't ya?

Crusher says that out loud with lots of confidence in his tone, before petting you on the head.

You always knew Crusher would give you lots of affection. He's extremely sweet towards you.

Guess i am then.. Heh.

You felt a bit embarrassed as Crusher embraced you even more. Crusher has that confident smirk on his face.

Honestly [Reader].. You're such a great yet lovely friend! That's what i like about your personality!!

Crusher seemed so happy that you're always there for him. He loves your attitude.

You even knew that Crusher sometimes has anger issues whenever Baller pisses him off.
But, you were always there to help the big guy.

Aww, i appreciate your compliments Crusher! I love it..

You tilted your head to the side.

Why did you come here? Is there something you need or ask from me?

Crusher stopped hugging you before realizing that you asked him a question. He immediately nods.

O-Oh! Yeah— I was going to ask you if.. You.. ermm.. Wanted a sleepover at my room?

Crusher said it in a shy tone, looking away from you as a blush covers his face.

You nodded in response. You weren't expecting that but. Oh well-

O-Oh! T-Thank you! We can maybe play some games, if you'd like it of course..

Crusher says this before looking at your face, and caressing your cheek lovingly.

[ time skip beech ]

Bored.. Bored, bored, bore—

You snapped out of your thoughts, you realized that you're gonna have a sleep over at Crusher's room.

So you got out of your bed, changes your clothes into something more comfortable to sleep in, and you brought your [F/S].

| [ F/S ] = Favorite stuffed animal. |

You sprinted out of your room as you immediately went to Crusher's room.

You arrived at Crusher's door, you knocked on it. Before, Crusher opens the door with a warm smile on his face. A slight blush could be seen on his cheeks.

Are you ready?

Crusher questions you, a slight smirk appears on his face again.

I'm going to beat yo ass, I'll definitely win.!

You excitedly say it out loud. As you entered Crusher's room, you saw the sets of video games lying on the floor.

Crusher starts to smirk in a playful and a determined way. As he placed his arm over your shoulder.

We'll see about that!

Both of you seem competitive about winning those games, not to mention that it's funny now that you both are acting like kids trying to win a big prize from a carnival.

Eh- Why don't we start now?

You asked, seemingly excited to play games with your best bud. Crusher eventually agrees, so you both are now playing.

[ Several minutes have passed.. ]

You were getting drowsy, your eyes were getting heavy each second passes. You tried your best to stay awake so you and Crusher could play games even more.

But, it seems like your eyes finally shut tight. You fell asleep. You fall onto your side, you didn't feel anything from the small fall.

Huh? [Reader]? You oka— Oh.

Crusher finally realized you fell asleep, he was too focused on playing  games. Crusher paused the game, as he got closer to you so he could pick you up and put you down onto his bed.

As [Reader] was settled down onto Crusher's bed, you were sleeping heavily like a cat. To which, Crusher found to be adorable. It's kinda funny yet cute, but it's alright. Since, you're his friend along with Troweler!

But, I think it's been a long time since Crusher has seen Troweler. You never thought about that, but you didn't mind anyway. They're probably still communicating secretly.

It's nearly midnight.. I should go to sleep, since my eyes feels kinda heavy..

Crusher quietly says to himself, as he walks over to you. Before, getting on the bed and cuddling onto you. He buries his head onto your neck, before falling asleep. He's now your big stuffed animal! He's huggable and cuddly!!

[Reader] is fully asleep now, and so is Crusher. The night is somewhat cold, but atleast both of you got warmth from the cuddle.

Few hours later, the sun is slowly rising in the east. You slowly open your eyes and look up to see, Crusher tightly gripping onto your body, your face was on his big chest. Your face immediately turned crimson red as your lips curled into a flustered smile. You hugged him back as you slowly drifted off into your sweet dreams. Tightly hugging onto Crusher.

 Tightly hugging onto Crusher

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found this on yt. Their art style is 🍴

i love em man tiddies. (+ women & all)

😐I'm mentally ill /j

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