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All my life, I have only ever had five people.

My friends, Clay, Starflight, Sunny, Tsunami, and my mother, Grandeur. Although I would kill for my friends, my mom was everything to me.

She always helped me when I was in need, put my priorities before her own, and most importantly, she was there when my dad wasn't.

Almond left us when I was only five, which was around the time I met all of my friends. I was heartbroken, but I didn't understand much at such a young age. Like my dad, most of the people in my life would come and go, other than my friends and my mom.

So I clung to them.

Held onto them like an anchor at the bottom of the ocean, not letting them move in the current.

Because I couldn't lose them, too.

I slammed my locker shut, my books heavy in my arms. I turned, my blonde hair swishing as I walked into my first class. I sat down next to Starflight, thumping my books onto my desk.

"Hey," Starflight whispered as he pushed up his glasses, and I waved. Starflight, without a doubt, was the smartest of us all. He was always studying and paying attention, which is the opposite of most people in school.

I pulled my gaze away from him and to another boy sitting down at the desk next to me. I hadn't seen him around the school before, so I frowned in confusion. He didn't seem to notice me staring at him

"As you know," Webs, our History teacher said in a raspy low voice. He sounded horribly ill, and half the time I wasn't sure if he was human. "We have a new student, Deathbringer Black. Transferred here a day ago." Webs already seemed to be getting bored of that topic and quickly picked up a History book. "So, aside from that, everybody get out your books and turn to page 143, which is about..."

Deathbringer Black had messy black hair and a demeanor that was a little too innocent for my liking. There were freckles sprawled across his face and a friendly smile that caught me off guard when I realized he caught me watching him. I quickly turned back to my History book and started flipping to page 143.

For most of the class, kids were trying to get a good look at Deathbringer Black, but I had gotten my fair share so I didn't pay much attention to him. He had talked to me once, though, asking for a pencil, and I had occasionally felt his gaze burning through me, but I tried my best not to look bothered.

I didn't need another person taking advantage of me.

I shoved my books in my locker and took out the ones for Biology Class after History Class finished, and when I turned around, I was startled to see Deathbringer Black standing behind me, a smile on his face. I definitely did not return the smile.

"What do you want?" I demanded.

"I was just wondering if you knew where Biology Class was," he explained, his gaze never leaving mine and the smile failing to cease.

"Go up the stairs and take a right," I replied, frowning as I realized he had the same next class as me. I was about to say more when a guy, specifically my ex, came around the corner and propped an arm on Deathbringer's shoulder.

"You talkin' to this chick?" Hailstorm asked skeptically, sending me a mocking grin. "Last I saw her, she was on her knees crying for me. Pathetic," he scoffed. I clutched my books a little tighter as my jaw clenched.

At that moment, I felt defenseless, like I always did. I wasn't a very emotional person, so when I cried, it was a shock to most people I knew. I was going to send a snide remark back when Clay, who was significantly taller than Hailstorm, walked up from behind me and draped an arm over my shoulders.

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