10| Game On

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"He asked me out on a date," I continued. "A date. Can you believe it? Oh, and we almost kissed."

"Why didn't you?" Starflight asked. I had him cornered, blabbing on and on to him about Deathbringer because he was the only one who had the same free block as me.

"Well, because then a customer walked in, but that's beside the point. He almost kissed me. Like, actually. Does that mean he's into me, or teasing me?"

Starflight looked around the library. "Uh. Are you sure this is the best place to be–"

"Answer me!" I cried, grabbing his shoulders.

"He's into you," he quickly said, nodding hurriedly. "Yup. Totally. Can I finish reading my book now?"

"You are so no helping," I said, pulling away from him and crossing my arms. "Last time I come to you for relationship advice."

"Well, to be fair, I've never even been in a relationship myself," Starflight muttered, fixing his glasses. "Didn't Sunny date a guy named Meerkat back in the eighth grade? Why don't you ask her?"

Well, she watched Deathbringer literally climb in through my window, so she'd be a little too excited and proud. And all Tsunami's going to say is "I told you so!" and laugh in my face. Clay... I guess I could try Clay.

"Okay, see you later," I said, standing up.

"W-wait–huh?" Starflight asked, confused as he squinted up at me. "Are you going to ask Sunny? Where are you going?"

"To someone more helpful," I called back, exiting the library. Whatever I had initially thought of Deathbringer seemed to vanish. What I had found him annoying for shifted into attractiveness. I used to hate it when he tried to get a read on me, but now I kind of liked it.

You're letting your guard down, Glory. Just wait and see–he'll break your heart just like Hailstorm. It isn't worth it.

...But you can't know unless you try, right?

I knew Clay was still in class and it'd be rude to disrupt him, but this was an exception, right?

I turned the corridor and collided with Deathbringer.

"Gah–Deathbringer!" I stammered, staggering backward. "Sorry, I didn't see you."

"No problem," Deathbringer said, shrugging it off with a small grin.

I cleared my throat nervously, eyeing the hall around us. "W-what are you up to? Last time I checked, you didn't have a free block for this period."

"Just looking for you, that's all." He said that so casually that it almost made me blush. Almost.

"Well, heh, you found me," I said, laughing nervously. "But, um, I was about to go... do something... and, uh, yeah. So... uh–I'll catch you later?"

"Well, I just felt like we had some... unfinished business," Deathbringer slowly said, calmly stepping forward.

He's talking about the almost-kiss.

There was no point in trying to force the blush away now. My heart pounded painfully against my chest and I felt as though I was going to pass out.

"U-um," I said quietly as he towered over me, slightly dipping his head to be closer. Our faces were inches apart.

"See you later." With that, he brushed past me, leaving me standing there, stunned.

He did that on purpose, I realized, looking over my shoulder just in time to see him toss me a playful grin. Wow. He wants to play that game?

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