13| Conflicts & Conflicts

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I was wrong for it--I knew that. Getting Glory to fall for me was idiotic and selfish. Not once did I consider her feelings or the fact she had gotten out of a pretty bad relationship recently. And then up and telling her I loved her? That was pretty stupid on my part.

I knew she loved me, and she clearly hated herself for it. Even worse, she seemed fearful of the outcome, as if I was just like Hailstorm. Technically, I was worse, but she didn't know that. 

For once, I knew it was better than to follow after her. I desperately wanted to, but I didn't. Instead, I went about my day, my gaze seeming to be more on the clock than my actual assignments. I still consistently saw Glory since I was in all of her classes, but she acted like she didn't see me, and I didn't blame her.

Tsunami had been casting me suspicious looks all day. I had no interactions with any of Glory's friends, though, until Sunny approached me later on in the day.

She had her fists on her hips and a frown on her face to seem menacing, but the three-foot difference ruined the effect.

"Y-yes?" I asked, glancing around in confusion.

"You broke Glory," she snapped. I blinked down at her.

"I broke Glory?" I echoed.

"You broke Glory," she repeated. "What did you do to her? Why is she acting like that?"

"I didn't do anything to her," I murmured, knowing I was lying. "She just--er--she's just avoiding me, is all. Maybe because I sorta kissed her last night, but that's just a theory." I didn't want Sunny to know that Glory had kissed me again earlier today, but if I wanted her off my case, I had to tell her something--preferably not a lie.

Sunny stepped back in astonishment. "You guys kissed? As in... on the lips?" Then she started thinking, turned, and walked away.

Interrogated me and then just walked away, I thought, amused. I shoved my hands into my pockets and watched her with my eyes for a moment. I turned around and nearly crashed into Tsunami, who was watching me with narrowed eyes and pursed lips.

"Look, if this is about Glory, you can ask Su-"

"I don't know what you're up to," Tsunami interrupted, "but I know I'm gonna catch on. Whatever you're doing to Glory that's making her act the way she is, stop doing it." Without letting me say a word, she aggressively shoved past me.

For the record, I did deserve it, but on my behalf, she didn't know the context, therefore it was rather unnecessary. I brushed it off and continued down the hallway, taking Tsunmai's words into serious consideration.


Morrowseer was out, which meant the base was all to myself.

"Watch out," Flame scoffed after we had bumped into each other.

Myself and the rest of these spineless, incompetent beings.

I shot him a glare before proceeding down the corridor. It wasn't an amazing day for me, for the most part, and I still had a lot of things I needed to fix with Glory if I wanted the mission to go smoothly. In addition, as if that wasn't enough, Quickstrike was starting to lose hope as the days went by. I refrained from visiting her too often so my emotions wouldn't get the better of me, but I did often try to keep her company.

I poked my head into Morrowseer's office. It was dimly lit by a lamp in the corner of his large desk, and the files stacked around it didn't help whatsoever. 

It wasn't the first time I had snuck into his office without him knowing, but it was the first time I genuinely had an objective in mind. On top of that, I wasn't sure how long he'd be gone, so I had to be quick.

I crept along the wooden tiles and slipped around Morrowseer's desk, ducking until I was completely hidden from the doorway. From the position I was in, I pulled the keys out of my pocket, gripping them tightly so the juggling wouldn't be as intense. I tugged at each key individually, looking at the numbers carved into each of them before finding the right key and meeting it to the correct drawer.

My fingers traced the tip of each file, looking at the names and coming out unsuccessful. Hailstorm's name circled my mind. I wanted to find his files--find his background. If I could use any valuable information to use against him so he'd apologize to Glory, then perhaps that might get her thinking straight.

I need to get her to talk to me again. Not only will the mission be a guaranteed success, but that will get her friends off my back.

I dug through the files in slight desperation, wondering why in hell I couldn't find a singular file under the name Hailstorm. It didn't make sense--every mission that was in progress had files on everyone involved or related to the person in the present and past, and Hailstorm was definitely a turning point for Glory, so that had me stumped.

As I started lifting files, something shined in my peripheral vision, catching my gaze instantly. A CD slipped through the folds of a file and rolled on the ground for a moment before slowing to a stop. I rested the files down and reached for it, twisting the CD in between my fingers as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Just as I peered closer to get a better look, sudden footsteps made my head snap up. I shoved the files in the drawer in an unorganized manner before locking it closed. I kept the CD in my tight grasp as I crawled to the other side of the desk. The footsteps were light--lighter than Morrowseer's.

Another sneak? I guessed as I held my breath.

The person who had walked in seemed to be talking to himself--no, on a phone call.

"No," he snapped angrily, slouching down in Morrowseer's chair comfortably. "I don't care how busy you say you are, get it done! I'd do it myself, but he's already suspicious of me."

There was a pause as the person on the other line spoke in such a powerful rant that I managed to hear angered muffles through the speaker.

"No!" the man bellowed once again, and I tried to get a peek around the desk to see who it was, but a waving arm made me flinch back into my previous position. "How many times do I have to tell you I don't care? Morrowseer is an idiot for leaving murderers under the same roof for the next, what, three days? Have him killed before then!"

Three days? I thought, slightly astonished. Morrowseer left for three days? Why? What is he up to, and who is to be murdered? 

The man's voice suddenly lowered in a menacing manner. "If he isn't dead before Morrowseer comes back, then you'd better sleep with both eyes opened." He abruptly stood up, heading for the doorway. "Remember, Deathbringer is far more trained than the both of us combined. Don't let his stupidity fool you." And then he went out of earshot.

Oh, I thought, my mind yet again running for what seemed to be the 100th time that day. I'm the one he wants dead. I'm the one to be murdered.


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