2| The Pretend Game

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"So?" Morrowseer demanded as I sat down in that damned chair. "What have you picked up from her so far?"

I felt my palms start to sweat with nerves once again. I knew my mother was in the room next to me, starved and on the verge of dying if I didn't fulfill my task.

At the same time, I knew it was my fault this was all happening to begin with.

"She seems to have slight trust issues," I reported, trying not to let my voice quiver. "She's hard to get a read on. Her body language says one thing while her words are saying the complete opposite. Of course, she could just be covering up how she really feels." I found myself thinking intently about Glory and her green eyes. "She's very fascinating, and I often–"

"Have you talked to her?" Morrowseer interrupted, clearly not interested in what I had to say. I briefly nodded and he continued talking. "Is she getting fond of you?"

"Um... Maybe?" I said, wondering if she was. She most certainly did not show any signs of it. "I'm not sure. Like I said, she's hard to get a read on, so it'll be difficult to–"

"Well, make it work!" Morrosweer grumbled. "I'm shortening your time to three months. Get into her house and send me a picture, just so I can make sure you know how to follow orders."

I clamped my mouth shut, narrowing my eyes. This was a game to him. A way to get at me for wanting to leave his cruel organization. And now, because of me, my mother's life is in jeopardy.

"Is there something you'd like to say?" Morrowseer asked, noticing the grim look I had plastered onto my face. I pulled my gaze to the floor and shook my head. "Good," he spat. "The sooner you kill Grandeur, the sooner you'll be able to see your mother. You're due back here in a week with more promising information. Am I clear?"

"Crystal," I muttered.


Her window was opened, letting the fall breeze enter her room. She was laying on her back on her bed, on a FaceTime call with Tsunami. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was in her green pajamas, seeming calm and at peace.

Time to ruin that.

"Alright, well, if you're just going to sit here and talk about Riptide all night, I'll just see you tomorrow," Glory said as she sat up.

"Fine," Tsunami said with a sigh. "See you tomorrow, Glory. Love you."

"Love you, too," Glory responded before hanging up.

I took that as an opportunity to climb in through her open window.

She didn't notice me at first until she heard my feet thumping onto her carpeted floor. She froze before whirling around and narrowing her eyes at the sight of me.

"You," she spat. "What are you doing here?"

I gave her my signature grin. "Missed me?"

"I hardly know you!" she cried walking forward and shoving me backward towards the window. "Get out!"

"Glory?" called a voice from outside her room. A small figure very slowly walked into her room, her eyes lifting to meet mine. "Who's this?" I finally realized that this was Grandeur.

But she looks so..? She doesn't seem like the type to stand against an organization, so what does Morrowseer really want her dead for?

Glory's eyes seemed terrified as she quickly stammered a response. "H-he's my boyfriend," she lied. I found myself startled into meeting her gaze. Her glare clearly said: Don't you dare say a word.

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