9| Rules Are Meant To Be Broken

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It was the weekend. I should've been at the coffee shop bothering Glory, but instead, I was stuck with Morrowseer.

"All my files," Morrowseer continued, "should be neatly organized in alphabetical order. One misstep and we'll have problems."

"I already have things I need to do," I told him in annoyance. "And, there are, like, at least a thousand files. This will take me all day."

"Better get started then," he said, sending me a hard glare. "I'll send someone to help you just so you'll shut up." He turned and towered out of the room, grumbling something about me. I sighed before slowly sitting down on the ground, looking at the piles of files around me.

I went to the first pile where all files started with an A. I scattered them at my feet. Albatross caught my eye. One of the best leaders of this organization. Almost as heartless as Morrowseer, maybe more. The stories that were told about him used to scare Destiny, and so we'd stay up together all night and talk, and sometimes get in trouble.

I scanned through the pile. Arctic, also caught my gaze. I scoffed, amused as I brushed past it. Addax, Admiral, Allknowing. I stored those in a file case in alphabetical order, as requested.


There wasn't much in the B section. Belladonna; Battlewinner. The thing about past leaders was that they were never really gone. Their legacies live on years after their death, which puzzled me. I found it rather stupid that people would worship dead people. It didn't make sense.


Cadelle; Chameleon; Crocodile; Cobra. I found myself staring at Cobra's file. She used to work for the organization but left to start her own thing. I opened her file and scanned through it.

Oh. So she had a son. Three sons. Qibli? I thought Qibli was Thorn's son. I frowned at the file. So, Cobra fell in love? Who's the father? Who had the guts to date a madwoman?

I scoffed, putting those files in one case and moving to the next.


Darkstalker; Dazzling; Diamond; Deathbringer. Dazzling was most definitely not a past leader. She was someone who found out about the organization, and Morrowseer ended up killing her. I opened my own file. Nothing was there that I didn't already know, except for my father. Where it was supposed to say my father's name was torn out.

I always wondered why that was, but I never asked Morrowseer, or else he'd know I'd been snooping.

"Need help?"

I looked up over the piles of files to see two people.

Snowflake. Flame.

I've seen them around but I've never engaged in a conversation with them. All I ever thought of Flame was arrogant and rude, and Snowflake as a dizzy idiot.

It was Snowflake that had spoken.

"Yeah," I admitted. Looking back down at the files. A moment later, they were sitting down beside me, Snowflake on my left and Flame on my right. "He wants them in alphabetical order."

"Of course he does," Flame muttered, rolling his eyes. "Just so we'd do more work."

"I already have a mission," I grumbled. "I don't know why I'm here, wasting my time."

"To be fair," Flame said. "You did try to leave. That was pretty stupid of you." I shot him a look before focusing on the files again, shrugging.

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