Chapter 7 Snake Eyes

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 Within one of the largest mines and caverns in the Kingdom of Terra was a single elf making her descent beneath Magnora to visit an old friend. Amaterasu could hear the howls of one of their prisoners echo throughout the tunnels. Somewhere deep within the mine's largest section, they had Ferocious Fenrir already transformed into its true self and chained up to prevent escape. Amaterasu approached Bila, another star demon who was keeping watch over the hammer's wielder who was also imprisoned by them.

"Were you able to see anything interesting?" Amaterasu asked her. The dwarf behind their bars couldn't help but look vexed upon noticing the second elf approach. The one known as Bila, an elf who seemed like she was wearing light and pale green armor looked at Amaterasu with a smile as if something fun happened. "Oh something interesting is happening alright. We'll get to play with some new friends soon." Bila explained to her.

"Go on. I want the juicy details." Amaterasu was eager to hear what she had to say. Bila's psychic ability was perhaps one of the strangest out of the seven star demons. She had possessed the right to somehow be in two places at the same time, something that Bila herself calls bilocation. Even Bila knew she never had to physically leave the caverns to see what was happening on the surface if another part of her consciousness was somewhere else.

"We have seven new 'friends' we can play with soon, including Prince Sol. One of them even looks like a miniature version of Ferocious Fenrir. I'm so excited!" Amaterasu could tell by the look in Bila's eyes that she was completely unhinged. But this was something that she knew about her for years. Bila's definition of friendship usually ends with blood on her own hands with the worst part being Bila seeing nothing wrong with her own actions.

"Do you know where our friends are, Bila? Perhaps we can give them a little surprise." Bila took out a knife to try and quickly stab Amaterasu, only to find out that she attacked an illusion. "I'm sorry Bila. But we can't play until we get our job done. Is that alright with you?" Amaterasu said as she appeared behind Bila to put her arm over her shoulder like they really were long time friends. Giving a disappointed moan, Bila decided to answer her. "Fiiiiine.... they're all on the train heading for Junistar City. One of them almost noticed me before they got on too. Maybe he'll be the first friend I'll make!" Bila's excitement could be heard throughout the cavern like an echo.

"Maybe? Or maybe we can reward the first person who manages to step off the train when they arrive? How does that sound?" Amaterasu had to ask and see if Bila would be interested in killing the first 'friend' that steps off the train. "That sounds lovely! What of the rest though? I'd hate to leave them out on the fun." Amaterasu had to give it some thought before she could answer. The worst part happening to them would be the dwarves catching on to their ruse. If it was one thing they didn't want to take credit for, it was saying that they were the ones who started the war.

"How about we bring them here? I'm sure Drakiel is tired of sitting in a cell by himself. How about it, cretin? You've been awfully quiet lately." Amaterasu looked directly at the dwarf who sat in silence and Bila couldn't help but look at him as well. "I have nothing to say to a couple of demons. Get lost." Drakiel Creed turned his head away from them. Drakiel had tried countless times to escape from where he was for the longest time only to meet with failure over and over again. Luckily enough, there was a good reason why they didn't just straight up kill him and that was something that he had to thank their goddess Petra for.

Although even if Petra was the sole reason why he was still alive, getting captured by the enemy in this state was more than humiliating. It was shameful. This was a state that was not suited for the wielder of Petra's hammer and here they kept him in it for about a year even when Drakiel lost track of the days. He was the only dwarf, the only person, who knew the truth of what occurred and how the war started. Even Sinnel's cult was left in the dark just in case anyone dared to go against the star demons.

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