THREE - She's Not Going To Forget It

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Tyler spent the entire month of September and the few weeks of preseason attempting to win Kris over but nothing she put out was accepted. Tanger brushed her off constantly, ignoring her or humiliating her in front of everyone. He had no respect for her feelings.

So, she lost her cool post-practice the day before their home opener.

"Kristopher Allen Letang, what is your problem with me?!"

The locker room fell silent and the players stopped what they were doing. They shared nervous glances as Tyler stood in the very center, her hands on her hips and her eyes boiling with rage. Letang's back faced her and he didn't bother turning.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you! Don't you have any respect?" She screeched.

Kris bit down on his lip, placed his pads onto the seat of his stall, and turned to face her. He balled his sweaty hand into a fist and held it with the other. "Of course I do," He mumbled.

"That's complete and utter bullshit! You haven't given me any respect the day I walked in here. Not even! You didn't give me any respect the day I was drafted! I don't know why you hate me so much. I've been trying my damndest to get on your good side. I've been on my best behavior with you but I'm done! I'm done trying to win you over!"

He shrugged.

"And if you're gonna play that game with me, then I'll play it, too," She threatened before whipping around and retreating to the safety of her stall.

For a moment, all of the Penguins focused their attention on Tanger. He stood with his shoulders squared and his jaw clenched but something in his eyes gave his surprise away. He swallowed and returned to his stall.

"Tyler," Sidney's hand fell gently across her shoulder as she bent down to unlace her skates, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Sid. I'm just upset. I'm nervous for tomorrow and I'm pissed at Tanger but I'll get over it. You don't have to worry."

Sid's hand remained on her back while he spoke, "I'm not worried. Tomorrow's going to be fine. You'll show everyone who's boss. You'll kick everyone's ass."

Tyler sat on the home bench in the Consol Center, squished between linemates Evgeni Malkin and Patric Hornqvist. She played a dry first period, neither scoring or assisting goals, and hoped for a better second. The buzzer screamed into the arena to announce the beginning of the second period and her grip tightened on her stick.

Geno leaned over and smiled wide, nudging her shoulder with his. "Not worry, Tyler. We get you goal first game," He promised in lilted English.

Tyler laughed and knocked her shoulder back into Geno's. "Thanks, G. I hope so," She replied.

On the first shift, she fumbled the puck and caused a turnover. Steven Stamkos burning her fast and leaving her in the dust. She pushed off after him, her calves wailing for relief, and poked repeatedly after the puck.

She made contact and yanked the puck from under him, skidding to a halt and skating foot over foot to take a lead. Tyler watched as Tanger slid off the bench just ahead, giving her an easy pass. He chopped his stick into the ice and she did as she was told, saucering it right to him.

She sped past Lightning after Lightning, crossing the blue line and tapping her stick into the ice for Tanger to pass to. Right as the puck touched the tip of her stick, she shot it towards the net. The puck sailed past Ben Bishop's shoulder and found twine. Tyler watched the lamp behind him spring to life, the crowd leaping from their seats with their arms extended.

She jumped into the air and pumped her fist wildly before Geno, Horny, Pauly, and even Tanger wrapped her up in the biggest hockey hug they could muster. Tears slid down her face as she looked into those of her teammates, their smiles filling her with pride and warmth. As she tipped her head to the ceiling and screamed a celebratory scream, she felt like she was home.

The Penguins conquered the Lightning in a devastating 6-2 win and Tyler had been crowned first star. She scored a second time as well as assisted on Sidney's powerplay goal.

She sat in her stall, having finished dressing, and laced up her shoes. As she did so, she watched a shadow fall across her feet. When she looked up and straightened herself out, she was surprised to find Kris Letang waiting for her attention.

"What, Letang?" She grumbled, not particularly enjoying the idea of Letang ruining her elated mood.

He remained unfazed as he pulled a taped puck from behind his back, offering it for her to take. She did just that, turning it over on her fingertips and reading what it said. First NHL Goal.

She bit her lip and cast another gaze back up at Tanger, who hadn't budged from where he stood. "Thanks, Tanger," She murmured.

"Only fitting that I give it to you, since I assisted on it. Congratulations," He muttered before bidding her goodnight and vacating the room.

Flower met Tanger right as he left the locker room, having watched the entire interaction between him and Tyler. He fell in step beside his best friend and bumped his elbow into his ribs.

"Ironic, huh?" He spoke softly in French.

"What is?" Kris responded, raising a curious eyebrow at Fleury.

"You hate her and assisted her first goal."

Tanger shrugged, his hands stuffed into his pockets, "It's not a big deal."

Flower laughed hard and shook his head, "Not a big deal? Of course not."

They played the quiet game for the rest of the trip back to their cars. There wasn't much left to say other than congratulations on a great home-opener, which had already been said multiple times. As Tanger opened the driver side door, he wished Flower a good night.

Flower didn't say it back but instead said, "She's not going to forget it, Tanger."

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