SEVEN - Play Fire

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Geno: ty meet in parking of rink 5pm no late )))))))))))))))))))

Tyler: why? what's up, g?

Geno: no late ))))))))

Tyler pulled into the parking lot at 4:50 pm. The sun started to sink behind the horizon as she climbed out of her car, golden rays shining bright into her eyes. She held a hand over her face to block the light and peered across the lot. A group of bodies milled about in front of a car and Tyler clutched her chest in slight fear.

"Tyler!" Geno's accent echoed across the space and she saw an arm wave her over.

Alright so Geno was here but who else was? This all felt pretty sketch.

As she approached, she recognized the faces of Sutter, Sid, Flower, and Tanger. Great. Tyler cast a quick glance over the French-Canadian before focusing on Geno. She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her coat, nuzzling her face into her scarf.

"Geno, why the hell are we out here this late? It's fucking freezing," Sutter hissed, clapping his hands together to warm them up.

"Watch bad mouth. Here to have fun. Play fire," Geno purred, a happy grin pulling at his mouth.

He turned to the trunk of his car, popped it open, and revealed a box of probably illegal fireworks. "Russian secret. Tell no one. KGB kill you," He threw serious looks in their direction and a scary silence fell over them. Then, he laughed, "Kidding. No KGB. But tell no one. Very shhh." He pressed a finger to his lips.

"Geno, what the fuck? Where are we going to light these?" Sutter exclaimed.

"In park. No worry. Park nearby. Everybody follow, okay."

As they dispersed, Tyler felt very aware of a pair of eyes burning holes into her face. She glanced over her shoulder and caught the ever-so-silent Kris Letang staring at her, face expressionless. She felt her cheeks go warm and she scrambled to her car.

Tyler stood between Sid and Flower with her arms stick straight against her sides to keep her warm. Her feet buried in snow, she watched Geno dump the box of fireworks onto the ground with a light giggle.

"G, I don't see how this is going to work. Isn't it too wet?" Sid questioned.

"You're worried about if it's going to work and not how illegal this probably is?" Sutter cried.

"Suttsy, I thought you would be jumping at the thought of lighting fireworks," Tyler cast a daring look at him. He scowled at her.

"Is okay, Sid. They okay," Geno reassured, patting his hand against Sid's thigh while he bent over to pick up a rocket. "Sid go first?" He offered the rocket.

While Sidney took the rocket into his hands and stepped beside Geno, Tyler decided to take a headcount. As she stood there, she felt like something was missing.

Suttsy, Geno, Sid, Flower, me....Wait a minute. Where's Tanger?

Flower bumped his elbow against Tyler's. She looked up at him and he jerked his head over his shoulder. Tyler followed his gesture and found a hunched Letang underneath a nearby tree, yelling rushed words into his phone.

Tyler frowned. She watched as he hung up the phone and pressed a forearm into the trunk of the tree. He hung his head and her heart cried out for him.

Flower bumped his elbow against her again.

"No, Flower. I'm the last person he wants to talk to."

"Just go, rookie," Flower snorted and nudged her. She looked back at the others before departing from Flower's side. The snow crunched loudly underneath her shoes as she approached Tanger, her heart skipping beat after beat in her chest. Oh, God. Please don't scream at me.

"Tanger?" She called out, her voice soft and tender.

"I'll be there in a second, Devlin. Just give me a minute," Tanger's words wobbled and his voice cracked. He sniffed and Tyler could tell it wasn't because of the cold. He choked trying to hold back a sob.

"Tanger, please don't-"

"Don't what?" He croaked, turning to look at her. Tears slid down his crimson cheeks and his eyes were big and sad and heartbreaking. He hastily brushed his hair out of his face.

Tyler hesitated. Oh, god, how it hurt to see Tanger like this. She wanted to wrap him up in her arms and cradle him to her chest and tell him that everything was going to be okay. But instead, she reached forward and took hold of his hand. She squeezed his fingers in hers.

The rookie rocked onto the tips of her toes and brushed her thumb against his cheek, wiping the tears from his skin. She smiled weakly.

"Don't miss out on all the fun. Come on and light some fireworks with me," She whispered, her hot breath billowing in a white cloud against Tanger's nose.

He stared down at her, lips parted, and Tyler watched him scour every part of her face.

"Come on, Tanger. Please? For me?" She placed her hand against his chest. She could feel his heartbeat.

"Alright, pipsqueak," Tanger smiled, squeezing her hand back.

Tyler lead Tanger over to Geno's pile of fireworks. She searched through the pile but Geno intervened before she could pick.

"Take Bottle Rocket," He handed her the firework.It wasn't an actual bottle rocket but it looked like one so that's what it was named. Tyler took the lighter from Geno and waddled a few steps ahead of everyone with Tanger at her side. The pair squatted down together in the snow and steadied the firework.

Tyler offered the lighter to Tanger but he shook his head and closed his hand around hers.

"We'll light it together," He whispered.

One of his arms wrapped around her waist as they lit the lighter and then the firework. Tyler laughed as Tanger yanked her to her feet then scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder, and running a few feet away.

He set her down and she leaned into him, his arm falling on top of her shoulders. He hugged her tighter and she snuggled into him as they both watched the firework soar high into the air. It exploded, lighting up the night sky with brilliant shades of crimson and blue.

"Tanger?" Tyler glanced up at Tanger and he looked down at her, his soft brown eyes meeting hers.


She smiled gently at him, "I'm happy you're here."

Tanger stared at her in surprise before smiling himself, "I'm happy you're here."

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