The fight part 2: the healing song

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The battle concluded as the sky transformed from deep ivory to the warm hues of pink and gold, marking the arrival of sunset. There appeared to be little evidence of the fierce struggle that had taken place, except for the disarray of uprooted rosebushes, the unevenly trimmed hedges, and the lingering tension in the air. Everything appeared normal and serene, yet an underlying unease remained, for Riddle lay on the ground, fighting for his life.

Moments earlier, despair had hung heavy in the air. An inky, oil-like substance had oozed and flowed down lifeless skin, resembling thick, congealed darkness. Obsidian eyes had glinted with fury and madness, a queenly entity that oozed malevolence, grumbling and shrieking even as it dissolved into a repugnant, squishy heap upon the earth's surface. Then, as the sky reverted to its natural warmth and clouds lazily floated by, a profound transformation occurred. Black gave way to vibrant red, a stark contrast to the dark scene that had unfolded.

Oh my god, that's a lot of red. red, just like his hair. Oh, my god. Is blood normally this crimon? They all rush over to help him, trying their best.

"Is he... dead?" Deuce's voice trembled with a mixture of shock and disbelief. Never before had he witnessed such a dire situation, even with his past experiences as a former gangster.

"Not yet. Quick, give me your jacket." Cater's typically laid-back demeanor transformed into one of urgency, assuming a role more befitting his position as house warden. "I will not allow one of my house members to die on my watch."

"We need to transport him to the infirmary immediately," Trey urged.

"He's in no condition to be moved, and none of us are skilled enough to do so without causing further harm," Cater retorted, his focus on locating his phone for assistance.

Yuu made a resolute decision. They would use the song, consequences be damned. Even if it meant facing legal repercussions or becoming a subject of study, it paled in comparison to the prospect of losing a fellow student. The memory of that haunting face, etched in fear and desperation, fueled their determination. Yuu's faith might not be unwavering, yet they prayed to whichever higher powers watched over their world, pleading for intervention. The gods, if they still existed, would hopefully understand and forgive this desperate act.

"Trey and Cater, please allow me." Yuu's voice was firm and resolute as they positioned themselves beside Riddle.

"If you believe it's the right course of action," Cater's words held a mixture of caution and trust.

Trey began to protest, but Cater interjected, urging him to relent. "Hold on, Trey. Allow them to proceed."

"But they—" Trey's voice faltered under Cater's imploring gaze, his objections silenced by the sincerity in his friend's eyes. "Alright," Trey finally relented, his concern for Riddle prevailing.

"As your former house warden and your friend, I'm asking you to trust them." Cater's plea carried the weight of his experience and genuine concern. "I understand your worry for Riddle, but if we interfere now, we might worsen the situation. Give them a chance."

Cater turned towards Yuu, his expression a mixture of anticipation and hope. "Do what you can."

Yuu took a deep breath, centering themselves before launching into the healing song, their voice carrying a soothing melody that echoed through the tense air.

~ Flower gleam and glow,
Let your power shine.
Make the clock reverse.
Bring back what once was mine. ~

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