Inconvenient Vacation- To Be Free

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Beta read by Gory_Gyaru.


Several factors had Yuu on edge. While they could handle being confined to a room, Kalim's unusual behavior, and the unpredictable challenges life threw at them, one concern stood out: losing their connection to their parents. They couldn't recall the last time their parents had reached out to them, and it seemed that after the magical cloud trip, all contact had been lost. Yuu's concern only deepened, particularly considering Kalim's enigmatic behavior. It was an unexpected and deeply unsettling thought, and Yuu knew they had to regain their composure and address the situation at hand.

"HEY! Let me out! The door won't budge. We've been locked in," Grim yelled as he struggled with the stubborn door. Yuu let out a resigned sigh and said, "From paradise to a prison cell in the blink of an eye... That's got to be a new record."

Grim huffed in frustration before rushing over to where Yuu sat. "Is this how they treat their guests? We might as well be prisoners! I'm going to have a word or three with Jamil in the morning. Oh, and Yuu, do you still have that handy device from the headmaster? Use it to inform him about what's happening in Scarabia!"

Yuu chuckled before responding, "Sure, I'll give it a try, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm pretty sure he's lounging on a beach somewhere." They retrieved their phone and dialed Crowley's number, eagerly awaiting any sign of the headmage's voice.


"Hello, you've reached Crowley," came the unmistakable voice of the avian-fae. Grim attempted to grab the phone, struggling due to his lack of opposable thumbs.

"Yo, Headmage! While you've been out, we've gotten into a whole heap of trouble!" Grim exclaimed, his efforts to pick up the phone somewhat comical.

"This phone is presently off for the duration of my tropical vaca—" Crowley's voice began to explain before a loud clearing of the throat and a cough could be heard in the background. "— I mean, my vital investigation. Please leave a message at the add---Tone. I'll respond if I feel so inclined. Aren't I just the kindest?"

"Oh, COME ON!" Grim shouted in sheer exasperation. "You literally started saying 'vacation.' You're not even trying to hide it! What's the point of giving us this useless thing if we can't reach you with it?! You really take the cake, Crowley; you know that?" Grim vented his frustration at the unresponsive phone.

A loud beep emanated from the device.

Yuu and Grim exchanged a knowing glance, and then Yuu burst into laughter. "Well, Grim, I guess it's time to call Ace and Deuce."


The next morning


Yuu slowly opened their eyes, the remnants of their haunting dream still clinging to their thoughts. As they rose from the barren bed, they couldn't help but mutter softly to themselves, "A sultan and a grand vizier? A parade through a desert?" The memory of their parents' complicated past, where one of them had been a villain, and the sensation of their parents' tragic demise weighed heavily on Yuu's mind.

The room around them was stark and devoid of personal belongings. Sunlight streamed in through the window, casting a warm, gentle glow on Yuu's face. The minimalistic space was furnished with only the essentials – a simple bed, plain walls, and a small wooden table with a lone chair. The absence of personal touches or decorations gave the room an austere and lonely feel.

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