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a/n: Matt & Luke rights!!! 15x05 killed me

< Aaron's Whores
< Friday
< 6:37 pm

Y/n: Matt & Luke got kidnapped again 🧍

Tara: why is always those two 😀

Spencer: didn't this happen like last week???

Derek: where even were they??

Jj: they were at that victims house but on their way back they got corned and taken out of their car

Tara: okay so the same as before only this time I wasn't there 👍👍

Spencer: yup

Jj: and fucking Hotch & Emily are still doing that bullshit with Barnes 😰😰

Garcia: I'm back with you!! 🥳🥳

Luke: saving grace of this all

Derek: LUKE?!? 🤨🤨🤨

Luke: omg rightttt

Luke: sorry my heads bleeding



Luke: idk

Luke: can you track my phone Penny?? 🫶🫶

Garcia: working on it!!! 💪

Emily: just logged in and WHAT THE FUCK

Luke: guys my head hurts

Hotch: what happened??? are you and Matt okay⁉️⁉️⁉️

Luke: my heads cut up and Matt is sleeping


Luke: drugs

Y/n: LUKE ??????💀💀

Luke: they gave him drugs to make him stop talking 🙊

Luke: I don't like it here it's dark 😞

Garcia: found your location!!! Sending swat and the team!!

Emily: me and Hotch are on our way but we're a little farther!!

Rossi: Jj, y/n and spence are closest 👍

Derek: me and Tara are right behind them!!

Garcia: just keep texting us Luke so I can keep the signal💖💖

Luke: I've had revelations throughout this event

Spencer: should we ask?

Garcia: yes, anything to keep him talking

Luke: I think Matt is my favorite person 🫡

Y/n: ouch 😢

Luke: he's so sweet 🥹🥹

Hotch: how much drugs have you taken?

Luke: unimportant ✋✋

Luke: he held my hand before he went to sleep

Emily: .....are you next to each other??

Luke: we were 😔

Y/n: we're pulling up now!!!! Hold on Luke!!

> 9:45 pm

Luke: I wonder if Kristy & Matt will let me join their marriage

Rossi: HELP 💀💀

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