Ch2. Should I?

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"I'll take it from here, gentlemen," I heard a smooth voice from behind me.
I turned around and saw the surrounding monsters making way for a tall purple monster with big horns in his head. A charming smile on his face as he and his lackeys wore red and yellow Jackets and pullovers with the lettering R.O.R over them.
"Johnny Worthington, president of Roar Omega Roar," He held a firm hand out for me to shake.
"Koda Mothman," I said as I shook his hand and he started walking, having me follow him.
"This guy's a Mothman?! As in the famous Mothman?! I can't believe it! Haha." A short crab looking guy started yelling until he got silenced by Johnny.
"Chet calm down," he scolded calmly.
"I'm sorry," Chet looked down dejected.
"Any freshman with the guts to pull of a stunt like that has future scarer written all over em," Johnny said cooly as he tried to lead me up some steps.
I held myself back remembering Sully, "Wait, um this wasn't even my plan," I interjected, "It was all Jimmy Sullivan," I turned around and pointed.
Sully perked up seeing as he wasn't being completely ignored and I was actually trying to give him credit. "Yeah yeah! I went all the way to Fear Tech for that pig, it just escaped last second," he explained himself enthusiastically.
"A Sullivan? As in-" Chet started up again and was quickly shot down by Johnny.
"Chet-" Johnny looked back and gave him a tight lipped smile then turning back to Jake, "Is that so? You seem like good scarer material, come with us," Johnny motioned for him to follow us.
We turned around and kept walking, I slightly smiled at being able to help Sully get noticed and not accidentally taking all the credit.
Suddenly from behind us, "Hey did you see me help catch the pig? That took guts," The little green monster said assertively.
Chet started chuckling, "Slow down squirt! This partly is for scare students only!" He said with a lisp in his voice.
"Oh sorry killer," Johnny stepped down the steps to console the small monster, "but you might want to hang out with someone a little more your speed, Ah- they look fun," Johnny turned the small monster around to look at a stand of plain looking monsters seemingly trying to recruit people into their fraternity.
"Oh hey there! Wanna join Oozma Kappa?" An old fellow said enthusiastically.
"We have cake," A shorter younger looking one said with a voice crack, only for a student to walk by and swallow the cake whole, right from his clutches.
Johnny looked down at him and said "Go crazy," then tapped his head winking and walked back to us.
"Ugh," Johnny rubbed his brow, "Sully, talk to your friend."
"What? He's not really my friend but sure," Jake stepped closer to the small monster, "You heard em, this is a party for scare students," he shrugged.
"I am a scare student," the small monster defended himself.
"I mean for scare students that... you know... have a chance," Sullivan said kind if hesitantly.
I was kind of surprised by this, sure the little guy didn't look much of a scarer but he didn't need to be so cruel.
"Ooooh snap!" Chet yelled out as everyone started chuckling, I just looked concerned honestly.
"My chances are just as good as yours," The small monster sneered at Jake.
"You're not even in the same league with me," Jake brushed him of and started turning around.
"Just wait hotshot, I'm gonna scare circles around you this year," The small green monster retorted, pointing a finger at Sully as he gave him a mean glare.
Johnny started turning me around with a hand on my shoulder as he lead me into what looked like their frat house.
"Ohohokay, I'd like to see that," Sully said from behind us as he started to follow us as well.
"Oh don't worry, you will," then I heard his footsteps leaving.
"Finally," Johnny yawned, "Now that that's over with we can talk without interruptions."
"Heh yeah," I chuckled awkwardly.
"Now tell me Mothman, you haven't joined any fraternities yet have you?" Johnny asked, suddenly a lot closer to my face.
My face tinted at our proximity and I straightened my back, "Um no, I haven't even looked at any yet."
"Good good, I've already got my eye on you, you would make a great addition to our fraternity," Johnny squeezed my shoulder as he spoke.
"I think we'd look great in your jackets," Sully
came up behind me and threw and arm around me neck pulling us closer.
"Ah yes, in due time," Johnny let go of me and walked in-front, opening the doors to their frat house.
Me and Sully ogled at their interior, red carpet and walls along with dark oak trims making the  place look rustic and modern at the same time.  We walked inside and I shivered and squinted my red eyes at the blast of cold air from the air conditioning. They had big fancy chandelier and through some doors off to the side I could see a glimpse into their stocked trophy room.
"Nice right?" Johnny said as be looked around with pride.
"Yeah this place is nice," Sully complimented.
"Of course, Roar Omega Roar need to prove they're the best of the best in every aspect," Johnny boasted, "which brings us to your recruitment."
"Sweet! So are we in now?" Sully asked eagerly.
"Patience patience," Johnny repeated, "not yet, I'm getting to that."
"First we will observe you two for a couple of weeks," Johnny started explaining, "We will watch your grades, your behavior, and other general aspects about yourselves before we make the decision on letting you in, we can't have you giving us a bad name after all."
"That sounds reasonable," I commented after he was done.
"I'm glad you think so," he smirked at me.
My face tinted and my mind froze. Why am I suddenly acting like this? I've never acted like this before, a big guy with a reputation like mine can't be showing any weakness. I gotta get my head together.
Johnny kept on talking and explaining things when I eventually zoned out.
"Koda? Koda are you listening?" I suddenly zones back in.
"Oh yeah, yeah sorry I was just thinking..." I said a little embarrassed.
"Oh It's fine, I was just asking you if you wanted to stay for dinner? We eat late here, the other are already in the dinning room," Johnny offered.
I looked around surprised at the fact that everyone left and I didn't notice, "Oh yeah I'd appreciate it," I nodded my head, "I've been on the road all day and haven't had anything to eat since this morning."
"Oh well that's not good," Johnny put on a playful worried face, "a big guy like you should be eating all he can," Johnny wrapped an arm around mine and dragged me to the dinning room.
We walked in and I saw everyone already seated putting food on their plate from the arrangement of plates spread out on the table.
Johnny walked over to the head of the table and motioned over to a seat that was left empty at his side, "Care to sit?" He asked me playfully.
"Yeah thanks," I sat down on the plush chair, even their dinning room looked elegant.
I wondered just how rich his family is to be able to afford to have such a luxurious place as a frat house.
"Hey Koda so what's the deal with your dad?" Chet asked from farther down the table.
I looked over to him and contemplated my answer, "Um well, he's not retired yet but he's on vacation for his and my mother's anniversary."
"Makes sense," Someone said from across the table that I hadn't been introduced to yet.
I chuckled awkwardly and noticed Johnny staring at me when a look of realization came across his face.
"Oh wow what kind of a host am I," Johnny chuckled, "I haven't introduced everyone yet, everyone tell our guests your names."
"Well I'm Chet," The crab like monster introduced himself although I already heard his name from Johnny's scoldings.
"Javier," Said a tall monster whose 4 eyes looked red and irritated.
"Reggie," a green three eyed monster introduced.
"Chip," Grunted a purple monster with a horn for a nose.
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Koda Mothman If you guys don't already know," I said politely.

After a while of eating and then moving to the living room and chatting Sully got up and said he needed to go. It was pretty late already so I didn't blame him.
After Sully left I wasn't sure if I should leave as well, I didn't want to over stay my welcome.
"Hey guys I think I'm gonna head on out, it's getting pretty late," I said looking at a clock saying 11:35 pm and getting up from the couch next to Johnny.
"Nonsense it's not that late," Johnny got up and threw an arm around my neck insisting I stay longer.
I blushed a bit at our proximity, being able to feel the warmth radiating off of him made my stomach all jumbled.
"I- I don't know Johnny I have classes tomorrow morning," I stuttered, looking the other way.
Johnny stared at me for a second as if studying me, "Bah fine," he gave in, "I'll walk you there," he started pulling me alongside him to the door.
"I'll be back later, don't wait up for me," Johnny said to the others inside as the door closed behind us.
"You don't have to do this you know, I don't really think that someone who looks like me would need protection at night," I chuckled as we walked down the sidewalk, his arm still around me.
"I know, I know," He sighed pulling his arm away making me already miss its warmth, "But you are just a freshman, and there are weird people here."
I blushed a little bit at the fact he seemed to care so much, grateful my black fur makes it hard to see that. We kept walking side by side in silence for a few minutes.
It wasn't until we were nearing the dormitories that he spoke up again, "You know.. I really want you to join us eventually."
"Yeah?" I said kind of surprised he was talking about this right now.
"Yeah, you're mature, well mannered, and I can already tell you're a hell of a good scarer, and I don't know.... there's just something about you.." he said, staring at me inquisitively.
I was a bit flustered at this confession, hopefully he couldn't see it on my face. God he's not even really flirting with me, do I have a crush...?
We walked into the building and and then made out way up the creaky stair to the third floor.
"You know you didn't have to come all this way right?" I asked Johnny.
"Yeah yeah, just wanted to make sure my favorite freshman got back safe is that too much to ask?" He smirked at me.
"Favorite?" I mumbled questioningly.
"Yeah favorite, just don't tell Sully though," he nudged my shoulder.
We made it to my door and pulled my lanyard off and unlocked it. I walked in and turned on the light to the dorm to make sure I didn't trip on anything, although my floor was spotless.
"Oh sweet you in here by yourself?" Johnny asked me.
"Yeah, I honestly really like my privacy so sharing a room with someone would've been a nightmare," I explained.
"Yeah I get that, back at the frat house we try our best to stay out of each others spaces so you'll really like it over there," He said.
I was reorganizing some of the things on my desk and turned around only to find Johnny staring at me.
"What is it? Do I have something on my face?" I asked after a couple seconds of staring.
"You're fur looks so soft," Johnny said as he stared, kind of in a trance, "C-could I feel it?"
I was caught so off guard I didn't know how to react, "U-um, I guess if you really want to," I stuttered out.
He stepped closer to me, bringing his hands up to my face and touching my cheeks. There was no way he couldn't feel the heat radiating off my face from how flustered I am. He ran his claws through my fur just for a few seconds and then switching to my shoulders.
He was practically feeling me up at this point.
I cleared my throat and he flinched, being pulled put of his trance and pulling his hands back to himself.
"Sorry I couldn't help myself," he somewhat blushed, seemingly embarrassed at his lack of self control.
"I-it's fine," I embarrassingly stuttered, "It's getting really late, maybe you should head back before the others start to worry about you," I said as my face started too cool off.
"Yeah you're right," he muttered looking off to the side, "could I get your number? -to communicate about your recruitment and stuff like that... yeah," he rushed his sentence.
"Umm yeah," I went to my desk and wrote it down in a sticky note, "here you go."
"Thanks a lot," he smiled at me, "I should go now, bye Koda, see you tomorrow."
I said my goodbyes as-well and then closed and locked the door behind him as he left.
As soon as he left I let out a big deep sigh and leaned my back against the door. What is he doing to me? Do I even really like him? I'm not sure what these feelings even are.
I suppose I should try to ignore them for now, I mean I do have the chance to get into this really good fraternity, I don't want to make things weird.
Anyway I'm going to bed. I'm too exhausted for this so these thoughts are going to be future me's problem.
I turned off the light and walked to my bed throwing myself on it. After effectively cocooning myself into the blankets I was able to drift off into a nice, peaceful sleep.

2387 words

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