LEVEL 86 - "Gang Orca"

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A/N:   QOTD: What's your favorite fruit? Mine are lemons and cherries!

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A/N: QOTD: What's your favorite fruit? Mine are lemons and cherries!

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The heroes-in-training dashed forward, running to get a head start and get a basic idea of the layout of the area they were in.

Y/n left the rest of the class again after gaining a nod of approval from Izuku.

Jumping over to a pile of rubble, she was about to move forward, but stopped when she heard sobbing.

A child?

She turned over, hurrying towards the child and crouching down infront of them, making sure to not tower over them or startle them.

Ah. So not a child. An adult dressed like a child. An actor then...?

They're probably scoring them then...

"Hey, hey..." She murmurs as she tries to keep her voice light, rubbing the actor's shoulder gently. "It's okay, it's okay..."

Her voice was unusually soft, in a tone just above a whisper. "Can I pick you up..? We need to get you someone safe..."

The actor nods, face blotchy and tear-stained, rather ugly in Y/n's opinion.

Y/n looked over them quickly, making sure they were okay. After making sure they didn't have injures, she picks up the actor, putting them under her arm to carry them as they observe her actions, judging them but not saying anything.

"Tekku." She speaks to the AI, "Find where I can bring the... 'kid'."

«Of course, Lady Y/n!» Tekku responds, loading for a moment before an image and directions appear in the corner of her visor.

"Thanks." Y/n nodded, turning the direction of the place that Tekku pointed her to.

"Dont move, you'll fall." Y/n warns before she darts forward, wind blowing past them as she keeps her arm wrapped around the actor.

She skids to a stop infront of where the makeshift first-aid stop was.

"Ok.." She murmurs, picking them up and setting them on the ground. "Stay here, alright? They'll fix up any injuries you have..!"

She manages a wobbly smile, not used to comforting others, even if it's pretend. She frowns to herself in thought before she pats the actor's head.

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