LEVEL 129 - "Controller and Shoes"

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A/N: Kota and Eri really are Y/n's children 😭

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A/N: Kota and Eri really are Y/n's children 😭

I got a Raiden Ei figure for Christmas and oh my god she's so cool— it's the one that has her posed as her splash art with the sword!

I got a few other figures and nendroids but my second favorite would be the Sukuna figure I got!

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"It looks like Eri was abandoned by her parents." Aizawa explains to the group of four students, them along with Tamaki and Mirio standing outside as Nejire and Y/n had stayed inside the dorm to watch over Eri.

"The head of the Shie Hassaikai, who's related to her by blood, has been in a coma for a long time, so she currently has nowhere to go." Mirio elaborates, pausing before adding; "And you might've already heard from Mr. Aizawa, but the horn that Eri's Quirk is released from..."

"Yeah, I heard that it'd gotten smaller and was fine now." Kirishima interjects.

"It's staring to get bigger again slowly." Mirio informs.

"Then, in order to keep that from happening again...?" Uraraka trails off as the realization sinks in.

"That's how it is." Aizawa replies offhandedly. "So, that's why we're taking care of her instead of sending her to an orphanage. We'll watch her in the teacher's dorm."

"We'll see how she is and help her find a way to live with that great power. There are things we need to check, too..." Aizawa pauses briefly, glancing off to the side before shaking his head. "Anyway, we'll take these things step by step."

"That sounds like a lot of work, kero." Tsuyu comments, tilting her head to the side with a finger held against her chin.

"That's where I come in!" Mirio exclaims, pumping his fist in the air dramatically, "I'm on temporary absence from school, and I'm friends with Eri!"

"I'm sure you're all busy, but stop by and visit sometime!" Mirio smiles kindly at the younger students.

"Of course!" The student chorus, nodding vigorously.

"If Eri's body and soul become stable, then the resurrection of the invincible man will not be far off." Tamaki points out, lips upturned into a soft smile at Mirio.

"I hope that's what happens, right?" Mirio stretches his hands behind his head.

"Sorry to be asking this of you already, third year, but can you take care of her for a while?" Aizawa requests.

"Roger! Let's play Othello!" Mirio agrees easily, smiling widely.

"Can we join you?" Izuku asks eagerly.

"Class A, go back to the dorms." Aizawa cuts in, looking back at the four. Izuku visibly wilts at the rejection, but Aizawa continues impassively.

"You have guests arriving soon."

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"They're here everyone! Greet them!" A familiar voice calls. The words resulting in the students, who were gathering in the main room of the dorm, turning towards the front door.

"Look on with those sparkling gazes!" A grin stretched across Mandalay's lips, eyes lit up with excitement.

"We've come to lend a paw and help!" Ragdoll spins around with a bright smile, yellow blouse flowing with the movements.

"Coming out of nowhere..." Tiger flexes his muscles, veins bulging from the skin.

"Stingingly cute and catlike!" Pixie-Bob holds her hand up as though it were a paw, stretching in a fluid cat-like motion.

"Wild, Wild... Pussycats!" The four exclaim, finishing their poses that looked rather odd with them wearing normal civilian attire.

"The Pussycats!" Iida recognizes, eyes widening.

"Long time no see!" Ragdoll greets, stretching her arms up widely in greetings. "You kitties look like you've been doing well!"

Y/n blinks in surprises, e/c eyes scanning over the four before straying towards the shorter figure that was standing a short distance behind Tiger, arms crossed in annoyance as he looks at the wall.

Y/n raises her hand to cover her mouth, huffing out a small laugh at Kota's behavior.

"Kota!" Izuku exclaims in recognition, rushing forward to crouch down infront of Kota and shake his hands, "Long time no see!"

"Nice to see you again, kid." Y/n agrees with a small hum, glancing up from her switch to look at him before looking back down again, spamming buttons as she attempts to kill the enemy.

"Hmph, whatever..." Kota looks away with a tough facade, Izuku paying no mind to the distant behavior as he continues to vigorously shake his hands.

"Midoriya, L/N, take a look at his shoes and hat." Mandalay smiles teasingly, the two students shifting their gaze to look at each article of clothing.

Y/n's eyes widen slightly as she looks at the new addition to Kota's hat— a small silver and blue gaming control that was pinned onto the visor part that roofed over his eyes.

"He chose them himself. He said he definitely wanted red, and that pin specifically." Mandalay points out, ignoring Kota's embarrassing gestures for her to stop.

"N-No...!" Kota refutes weakly, a futile attempt of denying Mandalay's words.

"We match!" Izuku exclaims with a surprised but delighted smile.

"It looks like my controller... cute..." Y/n mumbles faintly to herself, but made sure it was still loud enough for Kota to hear.

Kota pauses his arguments towards Mandalay as he looks between the two before turning his head down; attempting (and failing) to hide his smile.

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