LEVEL 126 - "Showtime"

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A/N: I might be getting a cat soon! I had two dogs before, but since they were technically owned by my mom's boyfriend when we moved we unfortunately couldn't keep them

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A/N: I might be getting a cat soon! I had two dogs before, but since they were technically owned by my mom's boyfriend when we moved we unfortunately couldn't keep them.

Anyway! Looking forward to that and I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm sorry for it being late again but I'll be taking a small break (only a week or so) for mental health reason, sorry again and I promise to update as soon as I'm done!

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"Aizawa, Young Midoriya has still not arrived, he—" All Might continues on as he speaks to Aizawa, the pair standing a few feet away from the group of students.

Y/n sighs, crossing her arms with a blank expression, although the facade did nothing to hide the growing worry inside her.

Izuku... Y/n can't finish the thought— unknowing of what she would even continue with, maybe disappointment? Anger?

No way. Y/n shakes her head at the ridiculous ideas that intrusively flooded her mind. There's no way I'd be able to get angry at Izuku, he's—

Before the thought could finish, Y/n was interrupted by a light tug on her sleeve, glancing down to see Eri.

"Is Deku not going to dance?" Eri looks down at the ground, expression almost vacant.

"Izuku... he isn't the type to break his promises." Y/n mumbles, raising a hand to rest on the girl's head.

"Yeah! Don't worry, he'll dance!" Mirio adds to comfort the girl.

Eri only responds with a dubious look.

━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━

Y/n shifts uncomfortably in the large crowd of people— the uneasy feeling of eyes drilling into her making itself all to aware.

Someone next to her moves, Y/n tenses and shifts closer to Mirio— who seemed oblivious of her discomfort.

Though she was momentarily distracted by a light tugging on her sleeve, glancing down to see it was, again, Eri.

Wide red eyes peer up at hesitantly, "Can you... hold me?"

"Huh? Oh, right— short." Y/n mumbles in realization, now knowing the girl wouldn't be able to see due to her height.

Y/n nods, picking up Eri in a fluid motion and settling her against her hip like a mother would with her child.

The lights snap off, plunging the room into darkness before light pours out from the stage as the curtains are pulled open.

"You can see, right?" Y/n glances over, pausing at seeing the light reflecting in Eri's eyes, the girl seemingly much more alive as she watches the stage captivated.

"Yeah..." Eri replies, eyes scanning over the group before glowing in joy as they land on a familiar green-haired boy's figure.

The lights on stage dim, letting darkness fall over the room again for a tense moment before—


With an explosion (from Bakugo, Y/n absentmindedly notes), the lights turn on again, and the show starts.

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Y/n yawns, raising a hand to lazily cover her mouth as she glances around, trying to locate her Izuku amongst the crowds of people.

"Y/n, I'm sure he'll come around—" Mirio tries to placate her, only to receive an unamused glare.

"Quiet." Y/n frowns, bringing up her phone again and checking to see—

No messages.

A sound of frustration leaves her as she resists stomping her foot on the ground, knowing that last time she damaged school property she got in trouble.

"Oh! There he is!" Mirio quickly points out, watching with a hint of amusement as Y/n's neck snaps towards the direction he gestured to.

Izuku was walking through the doors of the building, still wearing the yellow and white outfit from the show.

"Izuku!" Y/n calls, him turning to face them in surprise.

"Y/n!" Izuku echoes her call, walking over to them with a small blush.

"You know what? At first there was a loud noise and it was scary, but then everyone was hopping with the dance!" Eri rushes out, a beaming smile across her face as she gestures her hands widely.

"And the. There was a flash and Deku, you went away, but then it got cold and then there was a spinning light and a girl's voice said 'wow' and I said 'wow' too..." Eri trails off as she watches tears bubble in the corner of Izuku's eyes.

"I'm glad you had a good time." Izuku let's a relieved smile dawn his face.

"He's so soft." Y/n mumbles as she watches the pair from the sidelines. The words would be considered an insult if they were said to anyone else, but the sole fact of it being Izuku made something fond lace the words.

Mirio glances at her, surprised to see something vulnerable echoing in Y/n's eyes as he watches silently.

It was the first time he's seen her eyes look so... human.

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