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giana's pov


"Max, why isn't he answering the phone?!"

"Gi, give him some time. Let him cool down."

"It's been a lot days Max!" I yelled at my phone. After some seconds of silence, I took a deep breath. "Sorry, Max. I'm just stressed."

"It's okay Giana. Lando's been snapping at me too." He chuckled which made me laugh.

"Will you be here at the race tomorrow?" Max then asked.

"Yeah, my flight leaves in a few hours. Honestly, I'm contemplating not going."

"You should be here Gi. He's upset but he'll be even more bummed out if you don't show up. You know he believes in that good luck charm thing religiously."

"Yeah, but make him think I'm not showing up, I want him to realize I'm mad over his behavior. He can't just ignore me like this."

"I'll let him know Gi."

"Well thank you Max. And I'm sorry again for yelling at you."

"Don't worry about it. You guys will work it out."

"I hope so, well, bye Max."

"Bye Gi, take care."

"You too."

As I hung up the phone, I threw it on the bed with a groan.

Lando's been mad at me ever since I posted the story of me going on a date with Arthur. He's been refusing to answer my texts or calls. I had to call one of his best friends, Max Fewtrell, in hopes of knowing anything about him.

I'm currently at home in Monaco while Lando's in Imola. It's in Italy so it's a really important race for my dad, therefore I have to be there. I want the Lando the idiot to think I'm not showing up. Maybe he'll feel guilty for not answering my calls.


lando's pov


"Bye Gi, take care." Max said before the call was ended. He sat down next to me. "Want to know what she said?"

"No." We sat in silence for a few more minutes before I mumbled out a question. "Is she coming tomorrow?"

I couldn't see Max's face but I know he smiled at my interest. "No she's not."

"Did she say why?" I finally turned to look at him.

"No she didn't say why. If you really want to know, why don't you just answer her."

I said nothing.

"Lando, why are you so mad?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I stood up and started to throw on a hoodie.

"Lando, look, I don't want to get in your business because it's not my place, but you should really rethink this whole situation with Giana. You're hiding bigger stuff from her, so if I'm being honest here, you have no right to be mad."

I threw a tennis ball at him, not too roughly but enough for him to complain about it.

He laughed as he picked up the ball. "Alright, alright. I'll shut up. I just wanted you to hear that."

I finished gathering my stuff and we walked to the car in silence. My head was the opposite of that. Max was right.

I had no reason to get upset if I was in a relationship already.

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