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giana's pov


"Mami?" I knocked on her door, waiting for her to answer.

She had received a phone call earlier and walked to her office to pick up. I had found that strange because she never left the room to take calls.

"Just a minute Gia!" She called out from the other side of the door. I was then able to hear her mumble something quietly and it was only a couple of minutes later that she opened the door.

"Everything alright?" My mother said when she saw me.

"Yeah." I said slowly, perplexed by her odd behavior. "You okay?"

"Mhm" She replied with a nod. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason." I brushed it off moving on to the real reason why I wanted to speak to her. "The car is ready, I'm going to head to the airport."

"Do you feel ready?" She asked gently.

"Yes I do. My next show in Belgium is coming up soon. I think now is the perfect time to go back to Monaco, settle some things."

"You still don't want to see him at all?"

"Not yet. I don't feel ready to speak to him. I'm still very upset about him lying to me. He might also have his girlfriend at the apartment and I don't want to see that."

She nodded her head. "Take as much time as you need mi cielo. You'll know when it's the right time." My mom's comfort and warmth surrounded me as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "Everything will be okay."

She had been telling me that the entire time I've been here. However, the confidence and security with which she spoke the words, made them stand out right now. "How are you so sure?"

I couldn't see her face but I could feel the smile in the tone of her response. "I'm not, but I have a feeling things will turn out more than fine."

"I really hope you're right."

"So do I. I miss you already." She stepped back from the hug, cupping my face gently with her hands. There was a smile on her face but tears were gathering in her eyes. "Mi Gia hermosa."

"I'll miss you so much. Thank you for everything." She had done so much for me and helped me heal without even realizing it.

"There is nothing to thank me for. I'm your mother, taking care of you is my job. Come back home more often."

I smiled, feeling my own eyes get watery as well. "I will. I love you."

"And I love you mi cielo."


Once I was off the plane back in France, an unsettling feeling pooled in my stomach. Maybe it was the fact that seeing him was more of a reality now. At least in Mexico, I felt shielded away from the world and everyone.

Walking through the arrival section of the apartment, it wasn't long before I spotted the familiar sleek black Ferrari at the entrance. Charles was standing in front of it, surrounded by people as he gave out autographs and smiled for pictures.

When he saw me, he excused himself from the Tifosi and took some quick steps in my direction. He said nothing as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. Placing my own arms around him, I relished in the comfort of his presence.

I missed him so much.

It was like he heard my mind because at the same moment he said. "I can't believe it but I actually missed you."

With a grin, I leaned back from the hug to look at him. "I bet your life was so dull with me gone."

"The most peaceful weeks I've had. I've enjoyed the silence."

He smiled but then I noticed a serious look in his eyes as he took in my appearance.

I'm sure he's noticed the dark circles under my eyes and the tired look in them. My weight had also went down by a couple of pounds. I was getting better, but it was taking some time.

"Can I?" I looked at the sunglasses perched on his head. People were definitely taking pictures and I wanted to hide how dead I looked as much as possible. He didn't reply, instead taking off his glasses and handing them to me before reaching for my suitcases. Putting them on, I walked to his car only stopping briefly for the people asking for pictures.

I usually didn't mind but right now I just wanted to lay down and get some sleep. The jet lag was killing me. Plus the emotional turmoil in my head wasn't helping either.

Once we were both settled in the car and driving towards Monaco, it was then I remembered what I had been meaning to ask him.


"Yes?" He turned to look at me before diverting his gaze back to the road.

"What happened in Hungary?"

He didn't say anything for a moment but I noticed the manner in which his grip on the steering wheel tightened slightly.

"Lando pissed me off. Simple as that."

"Why?" I kept pressing him for an answer, trying to make sense of what I had seen on the screen.

He sighed out before responding. "He carries a picture of you in his helmet"

I blanked. That was the last thing I expected to hear right now. "Of me?"

"Yeah. It's a picture of you. I think you were like blowing a kiss to the camera."

When he said that I knew exactly what picture he was referring to.

Lando was getting into photography and had purchased a digital camera. The day he had bought it, he was taking pictures of random things around the apartment as he tried out different settings and lenses. I was reading on the balcony when he came up to me and asked me to pose. That's when I blew a kiss to the camera.

It felt like such a long time ago.

"He carries a picture of me in his helmet?" I asked again, astounded.

Charles nodded.

"Why'd you get mad?"

"I felt that he was just trying to do things to get your attention."

"Is that what you told him?"

He just nodded once more. "I told him to stop confusing you because whatever he was trying to
do wasn't helping. He's already done more than enough. He needs to give you space."

Hearing the determination in Charles' voice made me further realize just how much he looked out for me. Although I wasn't sure of what Lando's true intention was with the photograph, Charles would never hesitate to stick up for me for a single second."Thank you," was all I could reply but my head was still trying to wrap itself around the fact that Lando carried my photograph.

Was it for attention like Charles thought? Was this even the first time that Lando did that. There was no way for me to know.

I was so lost in thought that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings or the fact that we had arrived to Charles' apartment. It wasn't until I heard him apologize from beside me that I snapped out of it.

"Giana, I am so sorry. I had no idea he would show up."

The breath in my throat hitched at the thought of seeing Lando. However, when my gaze landed to where Charles' was, I saw it wasn't Lando.

It was Arthur.


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