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giana's pov


Finishing up soundcheck, I went towards the dressing room area. Arthur was sitting on one of the chairs. He smiled as I entered the room. Standing up, he walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Has anyone ever told you have an angelic voice." He leaned in to murmur the last part in my ear.

"I know this one person that always tells me that." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I wonder who that is.." After saying that, he leaned in to capture my lips with his. He pulled my body into his as he started to kiss down my jaw.

"Let's get out of here?" I muttered out.

"That sounds perfect." He gave me one last kiss before separating himself from me.

I swear that everyday I liked this man more and more. It's like I can't get enough of him even though he's with me practically all the time. We both live in Monaco, we're together for his races, we're together for the F1 races, and he comes with me to my shows yet that feels like a little bit of time.

"Let me just gather my things." He nodded at my words and I started to place my stuff into my bag. Only a few minutes had passed when I heard Arthur call my name. "Giana?"

I hummed in response, turning my head to look at him. He was looking down at his phone, the calm expression he had a few seconds prior, gone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing, it's just that I didn't know Lando had a girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Lando doesn't have a girlfriend." My stomach felt strange when Arthur had said that.


I dropped my stuff and walked over to him. He gave his phone to me. It was a social media post of several pictures. Some were of Lando with a girl I couldn't recognize. However, that didn't alarm me because the press tends to takes things out of proportion.

"It's just him and a girl, that doesn't mean-" I didn't even finish my statement when I scrolled further and Lando was kissing the girl. My stomach felt like it dropped. The picture was Lando, it was clear enough. I felt anger start to bubble inside me as I kept scrolling to see more and more pictures.

How could he?

After everything that happened because I posted my date with Arthur. After all the shit he gave me for not telling him.

I was starting to get angrier by the second.

"Arthur can we please go back to the hotel?" I handed his phone back to him.

"Yeah, of course."

I grabbed my things and we went to the car. The entire ride back to the hotel I was silent. Inside however, I was fuming. I felt angry and hurt.

Once we made it back to the hotel, Arthur walked with me all the way to my room. We were standing outside my door when he spoke up for the first time. "Gi? Calm down okay." He pulled me in for a hug.

I hate that I cry whenever I'm angry. I could feel the lump in my throat hurting from me trying to suppress the tears.

"He's such a hypocrite." My voice cracked.

Arthur said nothing and just kept hugging me. He knew I was right. Arthur witnessed how bad I felt when Lando stopped talking to me. He knew of all the measures I took in order to try and reach out to him. I had hurt my best friend and I felt like shit because of it. Arthur saw all of that.

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