Prologue: Welcome to Middleton

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It was a warm sunny morning in Bayville, Massachusetts. A plane was getting ready to take off the ground at Bayville airport. On the plane was a family of two and many other passengers.

The family of two consists of a woman who looked like she was in her late thirties. She had a fair skin tone, silver eyes, and long back-length golden blonde hair. She was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and matching black pants with a golden skull-style belt. This woman was known as Raven Darkholme, the former principal of Bayville High.

Next to Raven, sitting near the window, was her fourteen-year-old son Raiden Darkholme. Raiden had neck-length dirty blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. He was wearing a red jacket with a blue and purple necklace. He also had on red sweatpants and black sneakers.

As for the reason they were currently on a plane was that the family was moving to Middleton, where Raiden would be going to a school called Middleton High. They were moving there because his mother wanted to escape her past life in Bayville with the Brotherhood and the X-men and give Raiden a better life. She also found a new job in Middleton as well.

"Hey, mom," Raiden said, looking over at his mom, who was reading a book.

"Yes, little Prince?" Raven asked, turning her attention to her son.

"Why did you suddenly go with the move after talking about it all last year on my final year of middle school?" He asked, looking at his mom.

"I figured it was about time to get out of Bayville," Raven started."With Rogue starting college and Kurt on his Senior year of high school, it was best for me to get away from them. They don't want anything to do with me anyway," She said.

"Hey, that's their loss if they can't take the time to understand why you did everything they did. Then they don't deserve to have a mother like you," Raiden commented, placing a hand on his mom's lap.

"Tell me do you understand why I did it?" She asked, shutting her book and grabbing her son's hand.

"Yeah, you wanted to improve the world for us and thought you were doing the right things, especially in Egypt."

Raven smiled, seeing that her youngest child did understand her better than her older children did."You always understood me and supported me even if my decision might not have been the best."

"I love you, mom, and know you just did want you felt was right, and besides, you've always been a great mom in my book," He said, resting his head against his mom's side.

"Love you too, and you look nice with blonde hair think the new look suits you better than the old forms we used back in Bayville," She said, kissing her son's forehead.

"Yeah, the black hair and brown eyes wasn't my style, though your brown hair wasn't bad on you," He commented."Anyway, what job did you apply for here?" He asked.

"I'm not working at the school, if you are wondering. I actually applied to work in a medical office as a Child Psychiatrist," She replied.

"So, no principal or a teacher in school like you were for Kurt and Rouge at the beginning?" He asked.

"No, that was mainly to keep a close eye on them for Magento, especially the Brotherhood," She explained.

"Okay," He nodded, leaning more into his mom's side.

"Why don't you take a nice rest? We got a couple of hours before we landed in Middleton," Raven said, wrapping her arm around Raiden, holding him close to her as his eyes started to shut close.

'He so precious at least I got to keep my Prince by my side throughout my life.' Raven thought, smiling down at her son sleeping against her side.


It was now six hours later as the plane had landed in Middleton. Raiden opened his eyes to see his mom carrying him against her shoulder and a carrier in the other hand with a small pit bull puppy sleeping inside.

"Mom?" He requested, rubbing his eyes as he looked around to see many people passing by. As they reached a black Sedan in the parking lot full of rental cars.

"So your awake," She said, looking over at Raiden and placing him on the ground as she opened the back door of the car so he could climb on in.

"Where are we?" He asked, getting inside the car and grabbing the carrier that had his dog Rex sleeping inside of it.

"Rental car place. I don't know when our car will arrive since it was taken separately from the boxes of furniture and clothes not packed in the backpacks," Raven replied, bucking up Raiden in his seat.

"Did I sleep through the whole plane ride," He asked as he watched his mom enter the driver's seat.

"Pretty much you woke up for the snack and drink but fell back asleep soon as you finished them both," She stated, starting the car and driving out of the rental car lot.

"I see," Raiden said with a yawn as he leaned back against the back seat's headrest.

"Go back to sleep. I'll let you know when we reach the school," Raven said, with a smile seeing her son through the mirror."We have to pick up your schedule so you know your class. Your first day is next week since we moved here on Friday."

"It's your fault for getting us a morning flight, so of course, I'm tired," He muttered.

"We both know it because you stayed up playing your game instead of sleeping as I good you to," Raven replied, laughing at Raiden's attempt to complain about an early flight.

Raven chuckled at his faint mumble of saying that it wasn't true and continued to drive off toward Middleton High in silence, with her son fast asleep in the back of the rental car.

"My Prince, welcome to Middleton, our new home," Raven whispered.

Hey readers!

I recently decided to start working on a new Kim Possible story. I plan to continue my story with Shego's little sister as the main character, but I decided that I wanted to make another one. So here you have it; Raiden and Raven had landed in Middleton and were going to the school to pick up his schedule.

Let me know what you think of the first chapter of this new story and his Harem. I might add more girls in the future. Also, feel free to give me a suggestion on who to ship Ron Stoppable with.

Question for the chapter: What other kind of Kim Possible crossovers or noncrossover stories would you like to see in the future?

Thanks for reading!

Word count: 1146


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