Chapter 1 (Nice to meet you)

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Rachel's Pov

"Rachel!" I heard Santana yell from across the hall.
I looked over at her and waved.
Santana is my best friend. We have known each other for about 6 years now. We have a lot in common and we just clicked when we first met.

"Ready to leave?" Santana asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Ya, I just have to grab my bag from my locker" I answered and walked away to get my bag.

Tonight Santana invited me over to her house for a sleepover, I'm really excited.
I opened my locker and grabbed my bag with my clothes and my phone charger, I can't forget my phone charger😉

Santana only lives 7 minutes away from the school so we walked to her house. But first we had to go find her brother Puck.

"Ready to go home Puck?" Santana asked as we found him at his locker.
"Ya, let's go. And remember my friend is coming over tonight too" Puck reminded Santana.
Santana nodded and we all walked to her and Pucks house.

The first thing Santana and I did when we got to her house was run upstairs and change into or PJs. We wanted to be comfortable for the rest of the day.


The doorbell went off.
"Santana! Can you get the door. It's probably my friend!" Puck yelled.
Santana was busy painting her nails so she sent me downstairs to get the door.

When I opened the door I was speechless.
A tall boy stood in front of me. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He was so handsome.

"Hello, can I come in?" The boy asked. I realized I was drooling.
"Oh ya sorry, come in. You must be Pucks friend" I said embarrassed.
"Ya I'm Finn. And you are?" He asked.
"I'm Rachel, nice to meet you"

Hey Guys! Sadly my book
'Rachel+Finn' got deleted somehow. I have created this new finchel story.
Please comment if you like it😘

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