Chapter 12 (Still strong)

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Rachel's Pov

It's been 3 month since Finn and I had gotten back together. Our love is still strong.
I think Finn is the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with. He is the most understanding guy I have ever met. He's honest, kind, generous, sweet, loving, handsome, funny and the most loving guy. He's the perfect package.
I really love him. He's my whole heart. Nobody can come In between us.

Finns Pov

It's been 3 month since Rachel and I made up. It's also been the best 3 month of my life.
All this time I have spent with Rachel has really changed me. Change me in a good way.
She has made me a better man.
And Rachel can't get any better. She makes my world complete.
She is sweet, caring, funny, adorable, generous, sexy and the love of my life all in one package.
I love her and will never let her go.

Rachel's Pov

Next week is Christmas. This is going to be my first Christmas with Finn, and hopefully we have more to come.

I already bought Finns Present.
I got him a pictures frame of him and I, a watch and Concert tickets to Nickel Back.

We agreed nothing to expensive, but I didn't really listen. I used up all my birthday money for his gift,but it was worth it.
I hope he likes them.

Finn Pov

I think I got Rachel the perfect gift.
I got her a picture frame of me and her, a pink iPod and a Necklace that says 'R+F'

We agreed we wouldn't spend to much, but I didn't listen. I love Rachel and I don't care how much I spend on her.
I used up all my birthday money. And some of my allowance money too.

Rachel's Pov

Today Finn is taking me out to his parents for an early Christmas dinner.
Finns parents are super nice and they 100% support Finn and I's relationship.

I dressed nice for tonight's dinner. I put on a green dress to match the Christmas theme. (Picture top of page)
I did my make up and called Finn to tell him I was ready.

Finn arrived at my house minutes later all dressed up for tonight too. He looked so handsome.

We pulled up to his parents house and I stopped him before we got out of the car.

"You alright babe?" He asked.
"I'm better than alright. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you Finn. I wouldn't want anybody else to spend Christmas with." I said and leant over to kiss him passionately.
Finn pulled away and spoke.
"Rachel Berry, I'm going to make you my wife one day. You have made me a better man. I don't know how I can thank you. I love you so much"
He leant in to kiss me again. We were in a deep session when somebody came and started banging on my car window.
Finn and I both jumped up.
Since Finn is so tall he ended up hitting his head on the car roof.
He was holding his head in pain.
I looked outside to see who hit my window and saw Kurt standing there with a guilty look on his face. He ran inside and slammed the door behind him.

I looked beside me to see Finn still holding his head in pain. I leant over and kissed his forehead, he shook it off.

We walked inside his parents house together.
This first thing I did was get a bag of frozen peas and put it on Finns head.

Supper went well. We all exchanged gifts and opened them. Except Finn and I wanted to wait till Christmas morning to open the gifts from eachother.

Finn drove me home that night. We kissed goodbye and I ran in to my house and watched Finn drive away.
He really makes my heart beat.

No place I'd rather be🌸

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