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They pull up in front of the abandoned mansion and they both take deep breath.

"We just need to be quick, we have to gather as many informations as we can before the killer comes back" Brad suggests.

"I don't wanna die" Hayden cries as he starts to panic.

"You're not gonna die" Brad raises his voice in frustration.

"How do you know that?"


"Why are you yelling at me?" Hayden continues to cry.

"I'm sorry...  I'm sorry, I'm just so frustrated okay?"

"What if it's really Michelle?"

"Then I'm gonna kill her myself"

"What happened to taking responsibility?" Hayden asks.

"I will surrender myself, after I kill that son of a bitch"

They both get out of the car and slowly walk towards the abandoned mansion.

The mansion isn't even that scary looking.

It's old and dusty and rusty but it's not something that you see in a scary movie.

The white paint of the mansion has turned alabaster.

They stop at the front door and Brad slowly reaches for the door knob.

"Is it even open?" Hayden asks.

"We'll see"

Brad turns the knob around and the door opens.

The door creaks as Brad slowly opens it.

"Let's not split okay?" Hayden begs.

Brad nods at him and they enter the abandoned mansion.

There are cobwebs everywhere but somehow, it looks like someone has been living in the mansion for years.

The inside of the house is more decorative than IKEA.

Hayden tries to reach for Brad's hand because of fear but Brad just brushes it off.

Both of them scouring inside the mansion, hoping they'll find something.

They both look around to find nothing.

"What are we looking for exactly?" Hayden asks.

"Anything that connects the killer's identity"

"Okay" Hayden takes a deep breath and nod as he scans the room while following Brad.

"I think we should split up" Brad suggests.

"This is exactly why I am hesitant to come here with you in the first place" Hayden frowns.

"We get shit done faster when we split up" Brad argues.

"Brad if we split up only of us might get out here alive and I'm a hundred percent sure that won't be me"

"Hayden, why are you underestimating yourself?"

"I am weak Brad"

"Then you need to be stronger because you're not coming with me... I will be scouring upstairs while you scour here"

"You're awful" Hayden frowns as he watches Brad walking upstairs.

Brad looks around and find nothing weird.

He walks at the end of the hall when he sees a room with a semi opened door.

Brad slowly pushes it and tries to sneak a peek and his jaw drops with what he discovers.

It's a bulletin board with all of their pictures pinned on it and a desk full of papers, probably some documents.

Brad's heart beats faster as he walks closer towards the board.

He sees pictures of Michelle being raped by them and his eyes widens when he sees Luke's picture pind at the corner of the board.

He sees stalked photos of Joseph, Justin, Kyle and his.

Then at the bottom he sees a picture of Hayden.

The killer has been studying them for months now or who knows even a year.

He looks at the desk and he sees print outs of Michelle being missing.

He studies every paper looking for clues of who the killer could be but the killer is so good with keeping their identity unknown.

Under the paper is Kyle's phone filled with Kyle's dried blood.

"Kyle's phone" Brad whispers.

He quickly takes it and studies it.

"If Laryne has Kyle's phone, then whose phone is this? And if this is Kyle's phone, whose phone was in Laryne's possession?" He whispers..

He suddenly hears a noise and he quickly thinks about Hayden.

"Hayden?" He calls.

"Yeah?" Hayden responds from downstairs.

"Found anything useful?"

"No, not yet... How about you?"

"Found one"

"Oh, I'm coming"

"No, no wait... Keep checking there, when I figure this shit out, I'll call you"

"Okay, be careful"

"You too"

He digs through the pile of papers to see if any documents there belongs to the killer.

But all he sees are their documents.

Brad turns the phone on and he quickly goes to the sent bar.

But there is nothing there which leaves Brad frustrated.

He goes directly to the social media but the accounts that were logged in was Kyle's.

His investigation goes nowhere as the whole  situation leads to a dead end.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Brad groans in frustration as he hits the desk a little too hard.

Suddenly, he feels a bite of an ant below his so he swats it off only to find it is actually an injection.

Someone has injected something  to him.

He turns around and he sees the killer in its white faceless mask and a hoodie tilting its head at him.

"What? What the fuck was that?" Brad asks as his vision starts to blur.

The killer pulls out the syringe and throws it on the floor.

Brad takes a step back as the killer walks closer and closer to him.

"What, what was that?" Brad asks as keeps touching the bottom of his neck.
Brad's eyes starts to get heavy but he fights and puts all of his effort to stay awake.

His visions turns blurry, but he forces himself to stay awake.

"Hayden" Brad tries to call but his voice starts to fade.

Brad touches his head as he slowly sinks into the floor.

He sits on the flar with his back pressed against the wall.

The killer walks closer and kneels in front of him.

As if the killer is savouring how much Brad is struggling to move.

"What, what was that you inject me"

"Midazolam, often used in surgery" The killer chuckles.

Brad couldn't even familiarize the voice because the voice he hears speaking those words is distorted.

The killer chuckles as they remove their mask in front of Brad.

Brad stares at the killer but he's too weak to even express his emotions.

"Hayden" Brad says as he finally blacks out.

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