I have one more announcement

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Chapter 21

I look up at Matt again, who has snapped out of his trans and is glaring at whoever is behind me.

I, on the other hand, don't glance back but slowly raise my hand to touch the source of the fire that courses through me.

I lightly touch the hand on my shoulder, my bare shoulder where my hoodie doesn't cover because it's so big.

I turn my head slowly to see my mate, my true mate, and give him a face. Well, at least I hope it's a him, I'm pretty sure I'm straight.

I look into his green eyes, and I smile slightly. I should have known it would be him, should have picked up the hints. But I was too stubborn to look past them, but the sparks that give me warmth and comfort don't lie and I smile up at him, at Jesse.

"Hey Red..." Jesse trails off and looks up at Matt, whose face is full of confusion, anger and horror.

"Didn't expect you to show up here." I say with a small smile.

I feel so giddy inside, it's slightly odd.

"Yeah, well I can't let my mate be given to someone else, now can I?" He asks me with a small chuckle.

"No, I guess not." I smirk at Matt.

"No! No I refuse to let you two be mates!" Matt growls furiously, his eyes darkening.

"You can't stop it mutt, it's over for you." Jesse snaps at him, his good mood vanishes and replaced by one of pure anger.

"He's right, you can't mate a mated women." I point out.

"But he hasn't bitten you!" Matt smirks at me.

"Fine, then bite me Parker." I say while turning to face him.

But before anyone has the chance to do anything, Matt pulls me towards him with all his strength. It feels like he's pulled my arm out of its socket and I hiss in pain, not to mention I already miss Jesse's touch. "No way. I can still harm the ones you love if you don't cooperate. And plus, who would believe you two are mates? You hate each other." Matt laughs and pulls on my arm again, making me stumble and fall once again.

"Don't touch her!" Jesse growls menacingly and takes a step forward.

"Ah ah ah," Matt puts his hand up in a stopping motion. "you come any closer and the consequences will be horrendous, got that lover boy?" Matt hisses at him.

"Why do you care so much about getting me anyway?" I ask him, my arm still stinging with pain.

"Because, joining the packs will give me more power, and it's for your own protection." Matt sneers the last part, almost saying is sarcastically, and I give him an odd look. Does he mean the rogues?

"She's mine now! You'll only make her miserable." Jesse growls again but doesn't come any closer.

"Well that's not my problem, is it?" Matt asks, venom dripping from his words

Jesse opens his mouth to say something, but I stop him. "Parker, its fine. If it's for the pack, I'll do it." I tell him with a small smile, even though I'm breaking inside.

Spend the rest of my life with Matt? I'd rather live in hell...

"Red..." Jesse looks at me with sad eyes. Now that I know that we are meant to be together, it breaks my heart slightly to see him so sad.

I know what you're thinking, but you two hate each other? How could you fall in love so easily?

It's simple really. Jesse and I never got along, but are arguments were fun, and we enjoyed them. We were frienemies almost, had a love hate relationship. We were best friends that hated each other, and the magnetic pull helps, and so to the sparks...and plus, I'm not in love with him, not yet.

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