Chapter 3

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Ominis's point of view

I woke before my owl picked to screech. He was almost so loud when he couldn't fly after awhile. Least he had the decency to wait until morning. As I got out and got dressed I heard movement in the room beside mine. Seems y/n's already up. "I'm glad she seemed to get some sleep" as I got dressed in my basic clothes I had my items go into the carriage we'd be traveling in.

I waited for her outside of my bedroom door like always. I had always found myself smiling when y/n was on my mind. Ever since last year I didn't think she'd want to be as close to me due to Sebastian being as possessive as he was. But she always found time among everything else to help me and spend as much time as possible with me. She was absolutely brilliant.

Hearing the door open I turned my head in her direction. "Good morning y/n." I felt her hand rest on my shoulder and I felt my heart beat start to speed up. Her very touch made me almost lose it. I would have dreams about her and I that would probably make her blush like mad. If only she knew how I felt. But, why would she want someone like me? I'm blind and all I'd be is hindrance to her.

Plus, I didn't want to ruin our friendship if she didn't feel the same way. "Good morning to you too Ominis. I hope you slept well." I couldn't help but nod and walk down the hall with her. "I did. I am glad I didn't have any nightmares this time" we made our way to grab a quick breakfast before we went to the carriage. I had grabbed a bagel and apple and y/n seemed to just grab a bagel she said. I could hear the crunch as she bite into it.

I chuckled hearing her eat. Our house elfs always knew how to cook very well. When we got into the carriage we just ate our food feeling it fly off. The air was anxious but it couldn't be helped. After all that had happened last year we just wanted a nice normal year. "Are you nervous?" I placed my hand on top of hers since she had sat beside me. "I won't lie. I am. But I have you. We'll be okay" I felt her squeeze my hand. "I swear if it wasn't for you being so confident I think I'd have let my emotions get the better of me"

Smiling I held her hand tight. I wasn't excited to possibly hear Sebastian again. But I knew I would since we didn't turn him in. Thinking about him made me angry and also sad. I was hoping things wouldn't be so harsh as last year.


As we arrived at the school we had plenty of time to get our stuff in our common room. I changed into my new school uniform and waited for y/n. I might be feeling nervous about being here but I did feel like I was back home. I heard the gentle footsteps of the woman who kept my life bright and warm. "Y/n" I felt her cup my hand in hers as she sounded anxious but was trying to be strong. That's classic y/n. "Hey. Let's go and see who the new first years are gunna be. So we can know who we are tricking about seeing merpeople"

Listening to her I chuckled. It was always a joke I pulled in first years and it seemed to not really get old. As she let go of my hand we walked side by side. I felt myself missing her warm touch. It was like my body yearned for it. We used to always be so close and always be holding hands or cuddling back at my families home. Now since we where back here not holding her hand felt strange. But I understood since everyone would think we are a couple.


Y/n was meeting up with Natty, Poppy, Amit, and Gerrath. As she shouted me over they all greeted me happily. Y/n always tried to break me out of my norm from not having friends. And honestly I didn't mind everyone here. It seemed she always had away of finding great people. "It's so good to see you two again! I missed you over break!" Poppy said full of excitement. Her energy was infectious and y/n hugged her as Gerrath laughed. "I'm glad to see everyone did alright over break" Natty spoke up proudly.

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