Chapter 2

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Y/n's point of view

Chatting with Ominis the whole ride to Diagon alley kept me busy. When I felt the carriage land I smiled bright. "This will be my first time here" Ominis's head perked up. "I had forgotten you didn't go there last year. You said you had gotten all your stuff at Hogsmeade right?" I nodded and watched all the people passing by to shop like us. "Yeah. So this'll be a whole new adventure for me thanks to you" he couldn't help but chuckle at how excited I was. "Let's hope this adventure doesn't have as much problems as last years" chuckling the carriage driver opened our door. We got out and I made sure to stay out of peoples way.

"This place has a whole energy to it!" As we walked to each shop it was so crowed in some Ominis huffed at the fact no one would let us through. "Here. Let me grab our books. Stay right here okay?" He looked sad. "I hate that you have to do this all because I can't see" smiling brightly I took his hand in mine and squeezed it gently. "Don't be. I love helping you Ominis." I could see his face get red as mine did too. I couldn't believe how bold I just spoke. He cleared his throat and looked to the side. "U-Um. Yes. Thank you y/n. I'll wait here."

Going through the crowded place I grabbed a few copies of books for myself and Ominis. People where being so rude and some mashing into others to just get through. As I got a bit closer to where Ominis was, I watched someone bump into him and it was a fellow slytherin at that. "Watch where your going. Oh! It's blind Ominis. I take back what I said." I growled a bit in anger. Ominis's family was powerful and so was he. But everyone knew he couldn't see so they somewhat thought less of him. He always kept to himself besides when he hung out with Sebastian and I.

So others always talked bad about him. As I walked over to him I used my wand and made our books go into the carriage we arrived in. "Watch where your going Neil. Or I'll make sure everyone knows just how cowardly you truly are" I spoke sternly and glared at him. As the Ravenclaw beside him chuckled. "What's wrong Ominis? Does the descendent of Salazar Slytherin need his girlfriend to protect him?" Ominis glared in their direction.

"I don't need anyone to protect me. But then again, this descendent doesn't need to stoop low like a muggle. Maybe take notes before trying to intimidate." They looked confused by his words as we started to walk away. "Then again, it's what happens when you pick piss poor company like you have" Neil took this time to curse at both of us as we walked off. "Don't worry about them. They're lowlifes. Have been since I stopped them from hurting a poor kneezle last year in beast class."

He scoffed hearing that. Ominis loved how I was so close to beasts. And he was proud of me for having Deek continue to watch them until I came back to Hogwarts. "I should've known. Those two are worse then trolls. They only care about themselves. What disgraces." Smiling at him I took his hand since there was a lot of people. "This place is getting far more crowed. Stay close okay?" Of course holding his hand was normal for us since he couldn't see. But each time I did I felt my heart race.

But he always firmly held my hand and always stayed close to me anyway. I couldn't help but wonder if he noticed how much I liked him. Poppy used to tell me I was always making my feelings so obvious for everyone around me to see. But, it seemed like even Ominis didn't notice them. I was also to scared to admit my feelings to him. What if he didn't feel the same? I didn't want to ruin the friendship I had with him by making my feelings known.

Walking to a store like Zoinks in Hogsmeade I smiled bright. "This is so cool! I didn't know Diagon alley had their own prank store." Hearing him chuckle I blushes embarrassed. "It's cute to watch you get all excited. Let's check it out and then we can head out since we have everything" I was embarrassed yes, but I was always excited as my heart beat so loud in my chest. As I walked inside I took a look at all the different types of pranks. Tad pole soap, dung bombs, invizza candy to help you be invisible, a cheap type of love potion.

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