Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV
This is what y/n looks like in her animagus wolf form

Y/n's POVThis is what y/n looks like in her animagus wolf form

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I know Ominis is going to be furious with me. I know he's gunna hate the fact I left before meeting up with him in our common room. But I did tell Sebastian I was gunna meet him in the Undercroft. As I walked down the stairs in the defense against the dark arts tower I made the turn to the corner with the secret entrance.

I took in a breath and let it out as I pulled my wand out. "Forgive me Ominis." I entered hoping I wouldn't regret this. When I finally walked into the room Sebastian was there reading a book. When he noticed me he closed his book. "Thank you for coming" I felt a bit nervous and I was starting to feel guilty for not telling Ominis not having him come along. For some reason my skin was tingling almost like electricity running across it. "Be careful" I heard echo in my own mind.

When I remembered that voice I blinked a few times. Fenrir? "Y/n" Sebastian called for me for a moment as I snapped back in his direction. "I came as soon as I could. What is it you need?" I walked to him but kept my distance. "I need you to give me that tonic" I gave a sigh and looked to the side. "I can't Sebastian." His face looked angry "and why not? What's the reason?" Almost shivering at his tone I swallowed. "Because, everyone  will find it suspicious if I hand you a Tonic and all of a sudden your sisters curse is gone"

"Do you not understand what you have?! You have the power to cure people of anything?! Why do you think you can keep that to yourself?!?!" As he shouted this at me I felt myself flinch scared. He didn't sound himself, nor did he sound like he was in his right mind. He never would shout at me like this. "Sebas—" he turned to face me "no! Don't you dare say you can't! You can!" He breathed heavily and ran his hand through his hair. He looked how he did when he was angry at his Uncle for destroying the relic.

I was starting to get scared for my safety. "Why are you so on edge Sebastian?" He looked to me as he had tears in his eyes. He held up a letter from his sister. When he threw it at me I bent over and grabbed it.

Dear Sebastian,

I'm afraid to tell you I'm not getting any better. I might not be able to forgive you for all you've done. And I hope you can understand this. But I couldn't bare not telling you when I'm so close to death. Because I'd hope if things where reversed you'd also give me a letter to at least tell me. I hope your well.

With love,

Reading this I felt for Anne. Her curse was finally on the final stages and I could see why he was so resentful of me. He was now more desperate then he was before. When I looked up to him he was crying. "I'm sorry Sebastian" I said sadly. Anne was a sweet girl and she didn't deserve what was happening to her at all. But unlike Sebastian she and their Uncle knew she was now stuck with it forever. But Sebastian was willing to do all it took. Even if that meant using his friends at any cost.

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