comforting brothers 💨

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Prompt(ish idk)
Alex is scared of thunder and its storming so jeff helps him calm down

This is pre- everymanhybrid
This chapter is coming from someone with storm anxiety so yeahhh also they may not act like the actual characters but it's a book so y'know

Jeff was sleeping soundly in his room tossing and turning every once in a while until he got abruptly woken up to the sound of thunder he didn't mind it but he knew alex did.

Jeff tiredly stumbled out of bed and went to alex's room. He knocked on the door "alex? " he mumbled "yeah?" His voice was shaking "can I come in?" Jeff asked trying not to be to loud as he spoke "oh um yeah sure" jeff opens the bedroom door to see alex curled up on his bed, wrapped up in his blankets.

Jeff walked into the room quietly. He closed the door lights and walked to Alex's bed. He sat on the edge of it he heard another rumble of thunder and saw as alex flinched "come here" jeff said softly.

Alex made his way closer to jeff. A bolt of lightning had hit close to the house lighting up the almost completely dark room alex flinched and got even closer to jeff his head laying on Jeff's shoulder. "It'll be okay al, it's just some loud noise" jeff said before another loud rumble of thunder rolled over the house causing alex to flinch and grab onto jeff tightly.

"Its okay al, everything is okay..." jeff said softly he covered Alex's ears with his hands to at least muffle the thunder. Tho it wasn't very effective it seemed to calm alex down a bit. His breathing wasn't as heavy as it was, he wasn't holding onto jeff as tightly, and he was definitely feeling safer.

Jeff seemed to have noticed Alex's mood change, but he stayed in Alex's room with him until he fell asleep.

Jeff creeped out of Alex's room and closed the door quietly. He made his way down the hallway he went back into his room and laid down. He soon fell asleep to the sound of rain hitting his window.

The end

Hi guys!I hope you liked this story like I said I am sorry for any errors that dont seem like the characters and this is technically a headcanon chapter bc I headcanon alex to have storm anxiety so yeah feel free to leave a request

-your author

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