So i gor drunk and made this..

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Tim x Brian (au where Alex never killed anyone)

Brian was having a little reunion for the cast of marble hornets in a hope of them getting along.

He waited on his couch for everyone to show up. Tim was the first one there. Tim and Brian were making snacks for the everyone for when they showed up. The snacks included, sliders, kebabs (Jeff ones), pie, and other stuff that they knew how to make. Seth was the second one to show up and help set up he got out board games such as, apples to apples, cards against humanity, candy land, and other games. Jay had brought movies and think god Brian had a dvd player. Alex had brought some other stuff for them to do.

Brian had made a pallet on the floor for everyone so they could play twenty-one questions, Alex started "okay so, if you would go to jail what would it be for?" He asked "trespassing" jay smiled "probably stealing" Tim said "uhm stealing animals" Seth replied "I would probably go to jail for buying illegal drugs for a friend." Brian shrugged "I think I would go to jail for murder" Alex joked.

Then Tim went "if you had to kiss anyone in the room who would it be?" He asked "uh probably jay" Alex shrugged "definitely jay" Seth giggled "uhm most likely Seth" jay shrugged "oooh I would kiss Tim" Brian smiled "I would definitely kiss Brian" Tim nodded

After Tim Seth went "if there was an apocalypse what would your weapon be?" He asked "a bat with nails in it" jay smiled "an ak-47" Alex smiled "hmm a chainsaw" Brian replied "a flamethrower." Tim answered "Mine isn't a weapon but it is deadly, a very mad pit bull" Seth smiled.

After that jay went "if you had to be in a movie what movie would you be in?" He asked "definitely that one slender man movie" Alex said with a smile "hmm probably hocus pocus" Seth smiled "I'd have to pick the walking dead" Brian shrugs "I'd pick scream 2"  Tim said looking at jay "well I'd just have to pick the night python and the hunt for the holy grail" he smiled and Seth rolled his eyes

Then Brian went "okay so let's say you can go back in time what mistake would you fix?" He asked "definitely running away from y'all" Alex smiled slightly "I'd have to say not adopting the husky my neighbor was selling" Seth nodded "I would run away from my parents" Tim laughed a little "well I would definitely have to say having my first kiss in a Walmart parking lot" Brian laughed.

Tim went "what would you be as a mythical creature?" He asked "a centaur" Alex nodded "I'd have to say one of hades hell hounds" Seth smiled "a giant" jay said fixing the way he was sitting "hm a hydra" Brian smiled "I'd definitely have to pick a sea serpent" Tim smiled

After a few more rounds of twenty questions, playin board games, watching movies the boys had gotten tired. Seth, Alex, and jay had all went to the guest room and passed out. Leaving Tim and Brian up by themselves. Brian was leaning his head on Tim's shoulder as they finished the movie they were watching. Tim was being a but touchy but Brian didn't mind having Tim's hand on his thigh it wasn't weird to him. As the movie credits rolled Tim's hand started to move again before slowing slipping its way on top of Brian's crotch "Tim..what about the others?" He said slightly looking up at Tim "Alex is a heavy sleeper, Seth listens to music to fall asleep, and jay wakes up by himself." Tim stated, Brian nodded.

Tim slowly started to stroke Brian through his sweatpants. Brian let out soft moans "Tim..I'm not ready to go all the way..." Brian admitted "that's fine darling just be quiet so we don't get caught" Tim said still softly stroking Brian. Brian lifted his hips and took off his sweatpants still slightly nervous.

Tim's hand stopped and looked at Brian for confirmation that he can keep going. Brian nodded. Tim went back to teasing Brian before making his way in between Brian's legs "jeez your hard" he teased still stroking Brian "I've barely even touched you and you're already this hard? What kind of a slut are you?" He said and Brian whined "such a bad boy Brian~" he teased Brian whimpered. Tim finally took off Brian's boxers and started to jerk him off. Brian had put his hand over his mouth to stay quiet "so sensitive.." Tim mumbled. Brian was already squirming at his touch. "T-Tim.." he moaned "yes darling?" Tim said and looked up at Brian "I-I think I want to go all the way.." he said looking down at Tim his face was redder than a tomato. "Are you sure?" Tim asked still slowly jerking him off. "Yes, yes I'm sure" he nodded. "Maybe another time when the others aren't here then I can hear you full volume babes." Tim said, and Brian nodded. Tim kept jerking him off before getting tired and licking the tip causing Brian to gasp "f-fuck.." he said practically breathless. Tim took the tip into his mouth and started sucking jerking off the rest of what wasn't in his mouth. Brian was moaning, but biting his shirt to keep them muffled.

Tim took more into his mouth about halfway down Brian's shaft. He looked up at Brian through his eyelashes to see Brian looking down at him, sweating, and biting his shirt goddamn did he look hot. Tim took all of Brian's sick down his throat 'good thing I don't have a gag reflex' Tim thought "fuck..good boy Tim" Brian managed to get out it caught Tim by surprise when Brian grabbed his hair and he moaned around Brian's cock.

It didn't take long for Brian to start fucking Tim's throat roughly and Moaning louder into his shirt. After a few more minutes of Brian fucking Tim's throat: "t-tim..gonna..ngh!~ c-" before he could even finish his sentence he was releasing his sticky load into Tim's mouth. When he was done Tim pulled Brian duck out of his mouth. "Yoh can spit it out if you wa-" Tim swallowed, and he swallowed hard. Brian was red. They cleaned up and ended up cuddling on the couch they fell asleep together.

The next morning jay,Alex, and Seth were talking and laughing in the kitchen and Tim woke up he got up, carefully so he didn't wake Brian up he walked into the kitchen. "Can you guys be quiet you're gonna wake Brian up" he said crossing his arms over his chest. "Okay and? You woke me up last night" Alex stated "what do you mean?" Tim asked acting like he didn't know what Alex meant "oh so 't-Tim gonna ngh~ cum!' Don't sound familiar?" Alex asked and mimicked Brian "okay okay fine,but don't tell Brian he'll flip out on me" Tim said, embarrassed "deal. But I want twenty bucks and if you want me to keep it a secret. "Ugh fine" tim rolled his eyes and handed Alex twenty bucks.

Help uhm update: I might have been drunk when I posted this I misspelled "got" 😭

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