Pass the blunt? (Dh00)

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WASSUP MATE IM WRITING THIS ANONYMOUSLY BUT I HACKED 'EM (mate I didn't actually hack 'em they are my friend😭)
Chris and Alex
Uh idk tw- weed usage, blunts, joints
Not really a ship

Chris and Alex were at Chris's house just playing some games after a few hours the boys got bored and decided to go on a walk it was late at night so no one in the neighborhood should've been awake. "Dude since we're gonna go on a walk do you wanna see if I can get some of my dads weed?" Chris asked looking at alex "uhm you can I might not smoke" he stated putting on his shoes "alright." Chris went up to his parents room and grabbed his dads bad of  green, a pocket knife, and cigars. He cut open one of the cigars, grabbed a bit of weed out of the bag and put it in the wrap, he re-rolled the wrap and put it in his hoodie pocket.

On the walk
Alex and Chris where walking around the neighborhood, Chris took the blunt/joint out of his pocket and a lighter.He light the blunt and took a hit of it he blew it out. "So, do you have to go home tonight?" Chris asked "uhm I don't think so.." Alex shrugged Chris took another puff of the blunt and inhaled it before blowing it out. "Chris pass the blunt" Alex said and Chris  handed him Alex a took a semi-big hit and as soon as he inhaled he started coughing. Chris looked at him " put your arms up it helps" he said calmly and Alex did as Chris told him to do. A few minutes later Alex calmed down from his coughing fit and they kept smoking.

On the way back to Chris's house they saw his parents car and started to rush back into the house going straight upstairs and to his bedroom they sprayed some cologne making sure to get rid of the smell and started up one random video game and pretended to play. Not even a few seconds later Chris's dad walked into his room "oh, erm hey dad" Chris smiled awkwardly "hey Chris do you possibly know what happened to my weed?" He asked crossing his arms "uh nope sorry" he shrugged meanwhile Alex was in his own world on the floor looking at the tv (even though it wasn't turned on) and laughing. "Is he okay..?" Chris's dad asked "he'll be fine" Chris smiled

420 words
Anyways I'm gonna give him his account back

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