idk what to title this (brim)

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Brian's pov

Me and tim we're listening to jay and alex bicker about something that jay did wrong and everything else. Tim didn't seem bothered, it wasn't bothering me just wish they would shut up "Well at least I can hold a camera right!" Alex shouted, a stupid argument really. "Oh yeah well at least I know how to stay calm!" Jay yelled back. I was getting bored listening to them yell back 'n forth, so instead of listening to them argue I walked away and went somewhere else. To my surprise tim followed me we went to some weird little lake in the middle of the woods I sat on a tree stump close to the lake tim sat on the ground next to me. "You're really gonna sit on the floor?" I asked him, he nodded in response "You could sit on the stump with me" i looked down at him he looked up at me and stood up. He sat next to me on the stump "...uh thanks.." he mumble "of course" I smiled, slightly revealing the gap in between my front teeth "so how long do you think it'll take then to notice we're gone?" I asked "uh maybe a few hours" he sighed "sounds about right" I mumbled

3rd person pov:

Brian looked down at the leaves that fell from the trees "timmy-boy I'm bored" (TIMMMMMYYYYY-BOYYYYY) brian whined "get over it" he mumbled "tiiiimmmmmm I'm borrrreeeed" brian whined "brian stop acting like a five year old" tim said jokingly and rolled his eyes "but timmmm" he looked at tim with big ol' puppy dog eyes "fine bri what do you want to do?" He asked so brian would finally stop whining and complaining that he was bored. Brian thought for a moment trying to figure what he wanted to do "we could go for a swim in pond, lake thingy" brian suggested "B we don't have swim shorts" tim said flatly. "We might not have those buttt we so have underwear" brian smiled "plus going for a swim could help us cool off it's hot as hell out here" he chuckled "fine"

Brian and tim were half naked only left in their briefs. Brian ofcourse wa the first one to jump into the lake "it feels good" he smiled tim slowly got into the lake feeling a little awkward as brian was the one to be doing random things occasionally splashing tim, tim splashed some water back messing up Brian's "perfect" hair 

They messed around for a few hours until they heard their names being called. Brian was upset that they had to get back to doing the shoot considering the fact that it was literally hot as hell. Tim was the first to get out of the lake followed by brian. Despite them being soaked they slipped their clothes back on and walked back to the other two "there y'all are! We've been looking for y'all!" Alex was the first to say something followed by jay " why are y'all wet?" He asked looking at tim and brian noticing that Brian's hair was wet "oh um we took a lil dip in the lake over there" brian said pointing to the direction that him and tim had came from "well we need to keep shooting and find a way for y'all to dry off" alex grumbled and tim and brian nodded.


Hi guys I hope y'all liked this chapter if you have any type of requests you can comment them or private chat me either way I will try to make all of y'alls requests into chapters! Anyways I hope yall have a good day/night

Evan out!

Edit- there was a lot of spelling mistakes

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