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An Obsbit (observer x Habit) Chapter 😨
(The name is a ref 😋)
‼️ Requested by: YOURMOM5671  ‼️
smut 👀
Idk how to describe it cuz I'm doing it off of thought 🥰
We starting it off with smut 🥰
(Note: I've never wrote actual smut I've mainly wrote joke smut so I'm sorry if this is bad 😭)

habit was in his own room 'playing' with himself he moaned quietly "f-fuck obs..." he moaned softly through his hand. "Oi fuck face." observer walked into the room not giving two shits about what habit was doing.

Habit looked up from where he had been masturbating, surprised by Observer's entrance. "Shit obs!" He said calmly before continuing on with what he was doing. "What do you need?" His tone remained level despite being caught red handed. "I'm busy right now..."
"uh don't care didn't ask" he shrugged. Habit's face did not change, but he stopped what he was doing, putting on a smirk. "gay ass" he laughed. Habit chuckled along with observer, shaking his head slightly. "Yeah yeah..." He sighed, turning away from observer again. "'re such an asshole sometimes." He muttered under his breath before resuming what he was doing. "Don't tell anyone okay?"  Observer rolled his eyes "whatever." He uttered. Habit continued to masturbate, ignoring observer's teasing. "You should really work on your vocabulary." He said after a moment, not looking up from his task. "And learn how to carry on a conversation without being an asshole." Habit snarled. "says the one fucking masturbating." Habit scoffed at the comment. "Whatever, you just want me to stop so you can get off yourself. You're such a little pervert aren't you?" He said mockingly, his eyes never leaving observer's. "ew, no" he scrunched up his nose. Habit rolled his eyes. "Sure..." He continued to masturbate, a smile playing on his lips as he stared at observer.

observer rolled his eyes. Habit looked down at observer and gave him a smug grin. "Well? Do something about it or are you just going to stand there all day?" He asked rhetorically, slowly stroking himself. "I think im just gonna stand here all day" he stated. Habit smiled mischievously, continuing to stroke himself. "That's fine by me. Just stay there and watch me jerk myself off if you'd like. It'll be fun watching you squirm." He said quietly, his tone mocking yet playful. "mmm" he hummed. Habit chuckled softly, his hand moving faster now. "What's wrong? Afraid someone will see you? Or maybe you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of everyone else?" He teased, giving observer a sly smirk. Observer just snarled Habit laughed, his hand moving even faster now. "Just like I thought... You wanna touch yourself but you're too scared to admit it. I can see it in your eyes, little perv." He taunted, his hand moving up and down the length of his cock. "shut up." he barked, Habit only laughed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I touch a nerve? Or did you just not like hearing the truth?" He asked sarcastically, still stroking himself leisurely. Observer bites back a snappy remark and just rolled his eyes. Habit shrugged, his hand slowing down as he approached the end of his session. "Suit yourself. But you know what they say... 'If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.' " Observer just mocked him Habit chuckled, his hand quickly moving up and down his length again, almost as if to taunt observer. "Aww, don't be like that. There's no need to be so sour. You were enjoying it just a moment ago." He teased, his hand moving even faster now. "shut up" he snarled. Habit grinned widely, his hand speeding up once more. "Well then, let's try this instead..." His voice trailed off suggestively, his other hand reaching for Observer's crotch. " about we play some games together~" He whispered seductively, rubbing Observer through his pants. "dude what the f- mm.." he whimpered "Ah, I knew you'd like that..." Habit teased, squeezing Observer's crotch through his pants. "You want it, don't you? Admit it... You're turned on by all this, even if you don't want to admit it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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