Break downs and recovery

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Alex and Jeff (NOT A SHIP just brotherly love 🫶)
Tw: panic attack/ hyperventilating

My au were yes habit did his little thing but don't ask how they all survived and forgave Evan but habit did manage to take Alex's eye (don't even ask)

Alex was in his room and Jeff was talking to Evan in the Living about Alex's old closet pet (idk) it had been really hot outside and Evans car broke down on his way to his house so Jeff picked him up from the middle off no where.

Alex was cleaning his room throwing out things he didn't use/want anymore everything was just normal until Alex started to see something out of the corner of his eye, he ignored it just brushing it off as the new dog Jeff had got him. He kept cleaning his room he didn't want to but knew he had to go into his closet. He never slept with his closet door open ever since the whole incident. Alex sighed and looked at the closet door before mumbling to himself "here it goes..." he opened the closet door and looked inside of it to make sure that the rake wasn't in there to terrorize him again he didn't find anything so he kept cleaning he felt something brush against his arm and flinched he looked to see what it was and froze.

Standing right next to him was the rake he stared at it eyes wide remembering the countless nights he woke up with scratches on his arm and all the sleepless nights. He felt his lungs burning everything started to hurt. He dropped the bag he was holding feeling his forearm start to burn he started to see blood seeping from deep wounds. His breathing get heavier and quicker he fell to the floor everything was spinning he curled himself into a protective ball, pulling his knees to his chest. He felt tears from in his eyes. He screamed loudly alarming Jeff, and Evan.

They ran up the stairs into Alex's room seeing him sitting and panicking in front of his closet Jeff hated seeing his brother break down.

Alex tried calming himself down but he felt his back starting to burn feeling more scratches getting carved into his back. He was trying to breath but couldn't he hoped that it was all just a bad dream feeling something touch his arm he completely broke, tears streaming down his face,it got harder to breath until he heard his brothers voice. "Al? Alex! Calm down it's okay." His voice was cracking you could hear he was trying to keep himself calm. Alex started to shake when he saw the rake behind Jeff he rose his hand to point at it and Jeff turned around to hopefully see what Alex was pointing at but all he saw was a messy bed side table "Al....nothings there..." he said calmly, "h-he's here..." he mumbled his voice shaking as he spoke.

Evan sat next to him trying to help Jeff calm him down, Alex looked at Evan but all he could see was HABIT and it scared him. Covering his only eye he said "no, no, no, no...." Evan looked at him confused "Alex what's wrong?" The only response he got was Alex repeating the same word. He pushed himself closer to Jeff. Hoping everything would go back to normal.

Jeff looked at him concerned "'s okay....your safe.." he said gently not wanting to alarm his already terrified brother "t-they back.." Alex murmured "who's back?" Jeff asked confused "h-habit and the rake..." he said still finding it hard to breath but somehow managed to speak before he felt one of the rakes hands/claws piercing his lungs he let out a painful scream and gasped for air, air he couldn't find.

Jeff heard what he said "Alex listen to me..they're not back I promise it's just Evan...The rake is gone just like're safe here...nothing can hurt you..I swear on mom and dad that you're okay.." he said Jeff hugged his brother tightly while trying to comfort him. Feeling Jeff hug him brought him back down to reality but he was still shaking. 'Why?' He asked himself.

Alex felt like he was going to pass out, he saw sparky. His eyes widened. "N-no you're not real.." he said covering his eye "leave me alone!" He shouted trying to get his hallucinations to go away. It worked he didn't Hear the rakes constant muttering/ groaning and when he uncovered his eye he didn't see sparky all he saw was Jeff and Evan his breathing slowly returned to normal and he looked down at his forearm the scratches weren't there all he saw were the old scars.

He hugged Jeff tightly and Jeff just hugged back. Evan looked confused by the whole situation. "I'll explain later to you later.." Jeff hummed and Alex acknowledged Evan "I'm sorry..." he apologized "it's not your fault al I mean shit if vin would've stopped recording when your brother told 'em to then you wouldn't have got involved or hurt." Evan smiled awkwardly just to get a small nod from Alex.



So uhm yeah sorry for my lack of posting but I have been busy over the week and I start school this Thursday so yeah, also my description of Alex's panic attack might have been bad and I am sorry for that but it is really late at night so uhm love y'all, baii 🫶

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