chapter eight : peace

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AN: peace — taylor swift

We pulled up in front of my house and I took a deep breath turning to face Harry. He smiled soft at me and reached over for my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it softly.

"We get out of this car, we get lost together. Don't forget." He said and I nodded.

"The ultimate disaster." I said and he chuckled, nodding.

"Come on, I know there is a little girl in there waiting for her mum to get home." He said and I nodded, letting go of his hand and opening the car door to get out.

It's crazy, how I felt the shift the moment I stepped out. I looked over at him and I knew he felt it too.

"Go, I'll grab our bags." He said and I nodded, turning and running to get inside. I pulled the keys out of my purse, opening the door and walking inside.

"Mom. Rosie. I'm home!" I called out, waiting for the patters and soon they came, along with her yell.

"Maaaaaad." She yelled as she ran and she stopped in front of me, crossing her arms and huffing. Harry walked in soon after and she pointed at him, "Mad!"

I bit my lip to avoid laughing, knowing it would only make my grumpy toddler more upset. I lowered myself down to her, "Sweetie I'm sorry, I didn't know. Harry surprised me, so I couldn't tell you before hand."

"Mad." She said, turning away and Harry chuckled.

He lowered himself down next to me, and said softly to Rosie, "Well, I guess if she's mad, we can't give her the gift we got her." He looked at me and shrugged as my mom appeared, leaning on the wall

"I guess we can't. Maybe another little girl will want it." I said and Rosie turned around slowly.

"Gift?" She said, her finger on her chin.

"Mhm, a special one that we hope your nana will make a shirt for." Harry said, holding the stuffed bear behind his back.

"Ummmm, I'm not mad. Forgiven." She said and we both laughed.

"I don't know Harry, she seemed really mad." I said and she quickly shook her head and ran over. Her little arms attempting to hug us both at once.

"I believe her!" Harry exclaimed and I nodded.

"Okay then, you have to close your eyes Posie, and then you'll get your gift." I smiled and she nodded closing her eyes and holding her hands out.

Harry pulled the stuffed bear out, carefully placing it in her arms and when she opened her eyes she squealed, "Pooh momma!"

She smiled big and I nodded, "Harry picked it out, just for you."

"He was sitting on a shelf, thinking just like you, bug." He said, moving the bears hands up to his chin.

Rosie giggled, "Think, think, think." She hugged it tight and looked at us, "Watch Pooh?"

I bit my lip and looked at Harry, then back at Rosie, "Harry's tired baby and your dad is picking you up later."

"No daddy, no no no." She grew upset, closing her eyes. I was shocked, because she never denied a night with her dad. She even got more excited than I liked to see.

"I know I wasn't here all weekend baby, but it's your da—No!" She interrupted me, yelling. She started throwing a tantrum which wasn't something she did often. My mom and I had created a system in which Rosie could always explain how she felt.

I sat on the floor, my legs out in front of me, "Hey, hey, come here Rosie Bridge. Talk to me baby, what's wrong?"

Harry sat next to me, his legs extended out and I turned to him, smiling softly, "Is it because I took your mum away all weekend?" He said softly.

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