chapter twenty : london times

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AN: Sorry for such a long gap between updates. This one is nearing its ending so I started writing my next book. Cause you all know by now I'm crazy, haha. Don't worry, I won't post until I finish this.

I think Happiness will be marked as on hiatus, I got lost in where I was going with it, and I haven't been able to get back into it.

We drove through London, and I had tears in my eyes the entire time. I couldn't believe I was actually here. With my mom and Rosie. With Harry.

Before we left, he had made me a virtual appointment with a nutritionist. We had talked out with her foods to help me through my cancer journey, foods that would boost my immunity. He made sure I got so much rest that week before we left. He took over cooking, taking Rosie to daycare picking her up, cleaning, just everything. He was, a dream, yet it broke my heart.

He had hope, I knew he did. I often saw him on his phone, researching cervical cancer. How the immune system worked in fighting it. It broke me, because he seemed to refuse to believe that my cervix was incredibly messed up. It had been through so much, and he just couldn't seem to connect the thoughts. It didn't help I didn't let people know how bad I really was. How much I struggled daily, the pain I constantly felt.

Now here we sat in the car rental, his hand holding mine as we drove to his London home. His mum and sister waiting for us to arrive, and I hated how much we had begun to love each other.

"So my mum's a hugger, Gemma is very straightforward when she speaks, and embarrassingly enough, you will also see that I am a mummas boy." He said, causing my mom and I to laugh.

"Well good thing I'm a hugger too, it'll be perfect." My mom said.

Rosie had sat quietly in the back, as she did most times before meeting new people. It also didn't help that she was incredibly jet lagged and we weren't allowing her to sleep.

"Bug, do you like hugs?" Harry called out, also noticing her silence.

"No." She said, her tone grumpy and I covered my mouth so I didn't laugh.

"I promise you can sleep later, Posie. We just have to adjust to the new time zone babes." I said and she pouted.

"Sleepy momma." She had tiny tears that she quickly wiped, burring her face in her Pooh Bear who now had a red shirt thanks to my mom.

"I know babes, I know." I said, letting her cry quietly as we continued our drive.

Harry parked in front of his house, it was beautiful, like it was hand picked from a movie set. There was plants growing in the window panes and a small fence blocked the stairway from the street front. We began exiting out, and I made my way to the trunk to grab my suitcase.

"Baby, go inside with Rosie, I'll get all this." He said, and I searched his eyes, chuckling softly.

"You know, you have to let me do somethings." I said softly and he kissed my forehead.

"No, I don't actually." He laughed softly and I leaned up kissing him.

"I love you." I whispered, and he smiled kissing my nose.

"I love you too, Maddy." He smiled, and I pushed away a bit, turning to walk around and grab Rosie out of the car. What I didn't let anyone know was that, carrying her was starting to be hard. My lower back and abdomen where constantly in pain, and holding her only added to it. I unbuckled her and took a deep breath, before using my upper body strength to get her out of the seat. I swallowed feeling the stinging feeling, closing my eyes slightly.

"Momma?" Rosie said, and I opened my eyes, looking at her cute little face.

"I walk." She said, her eyes searching me like they knew. Like she could feel how much it hurt to carry her, and I had to bite back tears.

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